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Liberals win (suprise)


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And they're both in opposition of the Liberals. All it would take to bring them down is one confidence vote, then back to the polls for all of us.

It's unlikely the Bloc and The Cons would find common ground on policies, but they would definitely go together to bring down the gov't if the public would stomach it and the next election result looked more promising for them.

Anybody an expert on parliamentry procedure (Hux?) ? What happens if there is a tie ona confidence vote? Who is the tie-breaker? Governor General? The Senate? Supreme Court? Jambands.ca?


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I'd be surprised to see the BQ actively trying to bring down this government. They're positioned pretty nicely for their purposes.

Of course, anything could happen. Actually, we're entering into a really interesting time in Canadian politics. Stay tuned!

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Yeah I don't see it happening either, just saying it definitely could happen should the stars align that way...

This should get really interesting, and maybe even some progress will be made...

Layton is speaking at 1:30 today and Martin at 3... I wonder if they'll act friendly...


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What the conservatives fail to realize is that Canadians are a tolerant "live and let live" nation. Until they move away from their far right opinions on abortion, going to war, gays etc., they will simply not get into office.


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Apparently, Stephen Harper is considering resigning his position as Conservative Party of Canada leader because he didn't win the election - heard this on two different radio stations tonight. He said he's going to think about it over the summer and make a decision before Parliament meets again in the fall.

(If prorogue means to dissolve Parliament, what is the verb for when Parliament returns to business? Rerogue? Or maybe just rogue?)

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I think that there are a lot of people that could be "the most powerful (wo)man in Canada." Anyone in the Conservative Party that's left over from the Progressive Conservatives that decides the party is a little too 'right', could entertain the notion of crossing the floor to the Liberals or the NDP. I'd be setting myself up a nice Minister position as part of the deal. ;)

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