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some twisted discussions taking place on some of the neo-conservative links from that page

right wing goons are scary stuff... exactly why america should not be anywhere near Iraq to "liberate" the "stupid towelhead cameljockey terrorists" (they go on to talk about how the New York Times and every other major newspaper are all being paid off by "limp wristed leftists" and "french faggots" to say that there is no link between Saddam Hussein and Al Queda)

glad this guy isn't my neighbour... seems to hate with a passion everyone who isn't interested in murdering people

Time For "Gloves Off"...

...it has been for a LONG time, but thanks to the endless sermons from our administration about the "Religion of Peace" and their fear of pissing off the french, the gloves have remained on.

Time to change all that now.

Looks like the stinking, pedophile-worshipping sand fleas didn't get the message.

No, I don't care if CPL Hassoun was a deserter. If he was, then that's a matter for US to settle.

What matters to me is that he was an American, and any fu©king camel molesting piece of medieval Islamist sh!t fu©king with an American is an enemy of mine that needs to be impaled on a rusty pole. No excuses.

But what's REALLY going to hurt the turbaned fucks is the fact that he was a US Marine too.

Congratulations, Assholes for Allah, you just earned the undying and eternal hatred of every US Marine, active duty or retired, on this planet. You're all dead men walking now, the only question that remains is when you get sent off to suck your 72 raisins from your prophet's rectum in Hell.

You think Abu Ghraib was bad? fu©k you, you primitive apes, you'll be begging to be stripped naked and have panties put on your head before we're done with you.

And a note to Bush: I don't want to hear a single fu©king word out of your mouth in response to this other than "the bombing begins in five minutes". Furrow your brow and issue those "fearsome" condemnations for which you've become infamous all you want, but do so in the privacy of your bedroom or somewhere else where the rest of us won't have to listen to your crap.

We've heard all of the jaw-jaw that we can possibly stand from you, so shut the fu©k up and start ACTING for once.

To our friends in the sandbox, we have the following:

Kill the fu©cker, kill them all.

No mercy, no forgiveness, no quarters and no fu©king prisoners.

Shoot them and anybody idiotic enough to be in their vicinity, then piss on their bodies and cover them in lard.


Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I

The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

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