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First off, thanks Secondtube for shooting me this disc.I love it.

" The Lost Trident Sessions "

(Recorded June 25-29, 1973 at Trident Studios, London, England)


John McLaughlin - 6 & 12 string electric guitar, acoustic guitar

Jerry Goodman - electric violin, viola, violow (custom viola with cello strings)

Jan Hammer - electric and piano synthesizers

Rick Laird - bass

Billy Cobham - drums

I'm not up on my Jazz but I really enjoy this album, the great guitar work of McLaughlin and Goodman"s haunting strings send me into an almost alpha state of mind,dreamlike.The bass lines are really intense at times.

If anyone hasn't heard this album, I recommend that if you like some great improv jazz to pick this one up.

Here's a better reveiw of the album (liberated from the web) :

Suddenly, the recorded studio output of the original Mahavishnu Orchestra has been increased by one-third. Once again, they flawlessly execute speed-of-light ensembles of terrifying rhythmic complexity, informed by Indian music, Stravinsky, and the most advanced jazz improvisation and rock sonics. There are times when the listener will swear that McLaughlin's double-necked guitar is overdubbed, when in fact, it is being shadowed as closely as possible by Jan Hammer's keyboards or Jerry Goodman' electric violin.

There is a duet between the guitarist and drummer Billy Cobham, their work every bit as exhilarating as it was the second it was captured on tape, suggesting the great Ravi Shankar's sitar in a dialogue with Alla Rakha's tablas. There are guitar sounds that, as producer Belden notes, "every heavy metal guy wanted to play but didn't have the chops." And, also very much in the Mahavishnu Orchestra tradition, there are passages of surpassing, mountain-lake beauty.


Thanks again Steve for introducing me to this great music, I love when things like that happen.


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I knew when i gave you that cd, that'd you'd really enjoy it...

Maha is really amazing. There is SO Much good music out there, now that i'm spending some time listening to EVERYTHING BUT jambands, things are looking really interesting.....

Oh ya, the Antibalas cd i bought is really, really good. Theresa walks in and says, who's this? A really good trey band show?

[big Grin]

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I'll never forget driving home from Evolve last year carrying all the energy that we had built up during that amazing weekend and dropping "The Inner Mounting Flame" into the CD player of my VW van and watching with glee as Tonin danced like a mad man in the passenger seat and then exclaimed: "Oh my god! If I ever saw this live, I would go positively ape-shit!"

I've been laughing about and utilizing that expression ever since that moment. Thanks for the great memory Mark. [big Grin]

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