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C-Towns & Esau ------->


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I just lost everything on my HD the other day so I'll have to redo your mix again,I still had stuff to add so I wasn't done anyway,I spent the last two days pulling my hair out here with Del laughing at me trying to figure this sh!t out...fuckin stolen software...that will teach me I guess....purchase my OS legally from now on...

Anyway,thanks [color:"purple"] your a great guy


Not sure why it didn't make it to you,I did check the post office and it was suppose to be in Alberta (at one time) but who knows,perhaps someone found it as good as I do and decided you didn't need it.Either way,PM me your address again and I'll burn you another copy.(probally fed-ex it this time I think).

I also have a SHN copy (Delanie & Bonnie) for \/\/illy.

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Wicked dude! We'll have to hook up soon! Are you heading down to see the 'Dead?

I wish bro,but sadly my border crossing days are shot,at least for a couple more years now.

Enjoy the show (I know ya will) give Bobby a SHN kick for me if ya get a chance. ;)

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