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Roll Call: Sonic Youth@ CMH, Ottawa

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

Alright, so far it's an army of one going out to see Sonic Youth tonight. Is anybody else planning on coming out tonight?

I have completely fallen out of the loop when it comes to this band. I think the last record I listened to was A Boy Named Goo or Dirty so I'm way out of it. However Sonic Youth has been one of those bands that were always on my list of bands to see because I always knew they could translate well live. I'm especially curious to see how that maniac Lee Ranaldo gets all those noises out of his guitar live.

So who's in?

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Guest Low Roller

Booyah baby! I'm still revving to go!

Make it four shows in a row when Grand Theft Bus plays Babylon on Saturday night. That should sell well also.

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Im definelty going tonight!!!i bought my ticket about two months ago, i cant wait to see what they're like live...i sorta got out of the loop too, the albums i know are "Goo", "Daydream Nation" and the self title one

Thank god you're going i thought i was gonna go solo too!See you there! By the way do you know anything about opening band(s)?

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Guest Low Roller

Cool. Meet me upstairs, it's the best place to see the show from and it's not crowded at all. Plenty of room to move if you get there early enough. I should be getting there around 9:15 or so after my soccer game. I'm not sure about the opening band.

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I'll be there, and yeah, upstairs is the place to be. Last night's show got too crammed and hot on the floor, which would have been good if it was in a naked forbidden dance context, but it wasn't really like that.

SY's 2nd last album, Murray Street, has some wicked tunes on it too. This is just one of those shows I figure I need to see. They're legends baby.

So who's gonna get ripped enough to yell at Lee to play a Dead tune? I'm counting on you people.

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Guest Low Roller

You coming out tonight AD?

In case anyone will be looking for me, I'll be standing behind the seats in the lower balcony. It's the best spot in the house and not that packed.

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no can do tonight roller... wilco / modest mouse / long week at work have left me tapped for any resemblance of energy. i like sonic youth but can't really do it. seen 'em a few times before and they've never disappointed, so you'll have a good show i'm sure.


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