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T-Bone aka Cyberhippie


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Yo! T-Bone! FYI, I'm calling you T-Bone exclusively from now on (unless you want to be called Koko..?)

Nice seeing you at Sobey's last night--hope you were able to find everything you were looking for and your ribs turned out okay. My pizza was fantastic (thanks for the tip on the location of the dough!).

Just a few tips now that you're livin' in my 'hood:

1. Yes, with just one small shift of the wind it can go from smelling like cookies (Mr. Christie factory) to rancid poo (sewage treatment facility).

2. The porn shop you were looking for is called "Wiggles"--its on the Queensway and they *do* advertise a "back door entrance".

3. Yes, the Ukrainian Festival *is* the biggest excitement Bloor West Village has to offer--nothin' better than drinkin', dancin' and eatin' perogies!

Let me know if you need any more help assimilating to your new, foreign environment.


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Ahh Sobey's... How I hate that grocery store. I miss my Loblaws. Life in the suburbs, what can ya do...

1) yeah no kidding... It's not usually bad, but every once in while it smells a bit funky. Thank god for incense.

2) What do you reccomend?

3) When is the festival? I noticed this past weekend was the taste of Kingsway festival. Didn't check it out though.

Where exactly do you live down there anyway?

Other questions, not sure if you'd have the answers, but... Where do you get chinese food from? Where do you get pizza from? Anyway to get roti's from?

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Ahh Sobey's... How I hate that grocery store. I miss my Loblaws. Life in the suburbs, what can ya do...

1) yeah no kidding... It's not usually bad, but every once in while it smells a bit funky. Thank god for incense.

2) What do you reccomend?

3) When is the festival? I noticed this past weekend was the taste of Kingsway festival. Didn't check it out though.

Where exactly do you live down there anyway?

Other questions, not sure if you'd have the answers, but... Where do you get chinese food from? Where do you get pizza from? Anyway to get roti's from?

Let's call it Blowby's from now on! :)

Re: Wiggles--They've got a great selection. Really, no matter what you pick, you can't go wrong.

You just missed the Ukrainian Fest (count your blessings)--it's insane--they shut down Bloor from Jane to Runnymede and it's just one large Ukrainian beer garden.

I live on Coe Hill Drive (a few houses north of the Queensway between Ellis and Wyndermere).

Haven't found local Roti--Bacchus actually isn't too far from me by car (Queensway->Queen & Dufferin?). We order our pizza (the best pizza in Toronto, by the way) from Vesuvio's--though I heard Coe Hill is the furthest west they deliver, sadly. As for Chinese, I've never ordered any in the 2 years I've lived there--though I will consult my upstairs neighbours. :)

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Hey Trev,

Where abouts did u move tyo man? Lisa and I are now at Kingston Rd and Dundas in the beaches... we'll have to hook up soon... no excuse for some late summer disc golf eh... u up to anything today?? give us a call... 416 698 7112...

Right on man! I'm out in the west end, just off parklawn (just west of the humber). Unfortuantley I'm working today, I'm a monday to friday 9-5'r. It should be illegal to be stuck in an office when it's as nice out as it is today.

So, my island golfing is pretty much limited to weekends. If you don't work weekends, we should hook it up.

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