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Acousticats & The Clydesdales... wow!


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What a freaking party last night,whoa!

A bonfire in front of a little haybale stage with 75+ (I guessing) great people and Acousticats kickin out some serious jams,man that was fun.I wish I had the setlists for last night and even more wished I had a taping rig becuase this was one for the books,glad I was lucky enough to find a ride,I almost didnt make it and happy I got the invite for this one,probally my favourite night of the summer and just in time to,as summer is almost over.

Seven Curses,man can Todd nail that one!

Also,it was great to get the rarely played "Me & Rennie" last night,I love that song.

The surprise for me was the Clydesdales,what a great upcoming bluegrass band! man, I haven't heard people play like that in quite sometime,two acoustic guitars,mandolin,banjo (wow!)upright bass and drums,the vocals knocked me on my ass.Even better to re-meet Tim from the band who I had met/jammed with years back in Collingwood at an afterparty at my buddys chalet after a Fat Cats show.I'm really looking forward to catching these guys at a gig when they start doing festivals and shows,I was captivated by this band,they kick ass.Keep your ears open bluegrass fans for these guys,they really are a great band.

Great to see so many familiar faces at this shindig even a few cameo appearences from a few folks that have not been around for years,and cheers to Chris from the Fat Cats for hosting such an awesome gathering,once again I am reminded why Fatties are definatley my favourite Canadian band.


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I'm glad you made it out last night and had a great time. I never did see that pup tent you told me about, I'm assuming that you may have snagged a ride home from someone because I didn't see you amongst the early morning stragglers. I heard it was a cold nights sleep. I wouldn't know (I guess that's the advantatage of having a party at home!)I had a great time as well, maybe that will become the 1st annual "Hay Party", who knows? Thanks to the Clydesdales, they sounded great and complemented the whole haywagon/barn/bon fire atmosphere. And thanks to anyone else who attended and made the party that much better.



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Cheers my friend,yeah I was able to grab a ride home late last night,although we took off briefly before the music was done for a short jaunt for some supplies and were sorta delayed in getting back in time.

Once again cheers & thanks.

See ya at the next show.

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I knew this was going to be an awesome combination of music and friends but I was committed to other plans by the time I found out. Please make this an annual event!!!!!!! Gatch> I had your niece in my class on Friday. She came in late and I asked her name. Once she said "Gatchne" I asked if you were related... "Ya he's my uncle" . I told her that it must be a genetic thing because your always late coming back from set break. (I couldn't really say why as most of the class was tuned in) I spent the next several minutes extolling the greatness of you and the Fatcats in front of the class ("your uncle rocks my world!!") I think she was rather embarrassed.


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