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TRAILER PARK BOYS - live in Vancouver


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So, the Trailer Park Boys were amusing, to say the least. They opened up a night of comedy by introducing themselves, and then with some rambling on about Sunnyvale Trailer Park.

The crowd was pretty rowdy. The first thing someone did was run up to the stage to hand Ricky a cigarette; which he gladly accepted. Shortly after that, of course, a big fatty followed; which Ricky proudly held up for the crowd. (Looked like a good, solid roll, although slightly "pregnant" - perhaps 1.5 to 2 gms., but I digress...)

The evening then went on to have 8 really good comedians:

-Derek Edwards

-Irwin Barker

-Eddie Brill

-Zach Galifianakis

-Darryl Lenox

-Demetri Martin

-Costaki Economopoulos

-Maria Bamford

A couple weren't stellar, but they all had their moments, and overall they were hilarious.

Unfortunately, the audience was clearly there to see the Trailer Park Boys and there were a number of hecklers throughout the other performances that were really just rude; both to the comics and the audience. A few comics really let them have it though.

After the comedians, the Trailer Park Boys came out for their real "set", which was about 15 minutes. They started out going on about Sunnyvale again, and a girl ran up to the stage to get Julian to sign her breasts; which he did. Then some more Sunnyvale humour. Then a guy ran up to the stage to extend his hand out in which there was a ziploc containing about an oz. of BC's phinest. The bouncers actually looked a little perplexed at that, and sort of shot looks at each other, like, "Do we stop this? Ricky seems to like it..." so they just sort of waited for Ricky to accept the oz. and then just pushed the guy gently back toward the back of the theatre to let him go on his way and watch the rest of the show, rather than detain him or something equally stupid. He actually ended up sprawling out on the floor lying on his back to watch the rest of the show in the aisle next to me. (Gotta love BC!)

After a bit more Sunnyvale humour, a skid with a mullet (and no shirt of course) came running out from backstage with an electric guitar and duct tape. He taped the guitar to Bubbles, in lieu of a guitar strap - beautiful trailer park ingenuity and fashion all rolled into one!

Bubbles began with the opening riff from "Closer to the Heart", and sang a bit of the song. (I swear, Velvet, I thought of you and actually had my cell phone in my hand to call you and let you listen to that one live, but he cut it short.) Ricky then explained that he had several plans for the future, either staying in BC, or bringing some of our local foliage home with him to go into business out east. Either way, he needed money, and wanted 400 dollars from Bubbles, which he knew Bubbles had. Bubbles then had to admit that he met a woman last night in a Vancouver bar, and brought her back to his hotel room. He watched movies with her, and didn't realize until quite late that she was a hooker, and the evening was gonna cost 400 bucks. His big regret was, "Had I known I was on the clock, I would have at least touched her boobies." He then played a cool song, which seemed to be called "Liquor and Whores". After that, they told us about the upcoming season, which will include a Christmas episode. The episode will be called "Dear Santa, Go Fu©k Yourself". Bubbles then played a song with that same title.

They did a bit more humour, and that was all she wrote. It was pretty entertaining, and the comics were great. I really didn't know what to expect, but it was a good, fun evening.

(Oh ya, we skipped seeing themasses after, as the people with me were not into it, for various reasons.)

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"Liquor and Whores"

I am pretty sure that is what it is called.

Cigarettes and dope and mustard and balonga and liquor and whores.

I love drinking at the Legion like Bubbles does. Meeting a girl that is easy and pleasin' cant be beat.

I fu©king love those boys. If I were to guess, they are true caricature's of themselves.

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