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I had a great time with y'all...lets get ready to do er' again soon...oh...I got a story for ya;

There's this guy that wanted to party hard with his friends over the weekend, but also had a couple essay's due on the monday to follow that weekend. These essays are what stands in the way of graduating for this guy. Anyways, this guy decided that the most effective way to accoplish this task would be to 1) party hard 2) DO NOT SLEEP 3) just fuggin' giv'er 4) write the essays in an early morning drug induced state 5) arrive home on suday night, type up the essays, send them to the teacher so she could read them on the monday morning, he get an A and pass his schooling and make everybody happy...This fellow followed his plan quite accurately...steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 were perfectly done...step 5 was inturrepted by his idiotic forgetfull brain which thought it would be a nifty little joke if he were to LEAVE THE GOD DAMN ESSAYS IN STUY'S CAR, AND HAVE THEM ON THEIR WAY TO CHATHAM SO'S THAT HE WERE UNABLE TO TYPE THEM UP AND E-MAIL THEM AWAY...DOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup...thats what I did...anyways, Stuy's gonna bring them to me today and I'll get em to my teacher some time in the 24hrs of this day, April 28th, 2003.........

PARTY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May the blessings be,

Giggles Gawpo [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

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Hey Gigs,

What's up? Sorry I missed you before I left. I couldn't find your number anywhere. So anyways I will be back in London wednesday night until thursday afternoon. We should hook up before I head up to the patch.

Hope you managed to pass your courses, you lazy slacker!!!!! I think some of that Bob-Rob might have rubbed off on you.


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