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inspirational follow your dreams movies?


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how about a classic they may not see otherwise

citizen kane

Considered by many as the best film ever made, this is the story of Charles Foster Kane. The film opens with a long shot of Xanadu - the private estate of one of the world's richest men. In the middle of the estate is a castle. We see, inside the castle, a dying man examining a winter scene within a crystal ball. As he drops it, it smashes, and one word is heard - "Rosebud"... What follows are pieces of newsreel like footage detailing how Kane amassed his fortune, and turning around full circle at the end.

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Yeah, and Star Wars may inspire kids to re-enact how to weild a light-saber in front of the school's video department camera, provided no one is watching.

You dumbass, Bouchard.

uhhhh... are you sayin' that Luke didn't follow his dreams of becoming a jedi like his father?

watch it again. It's not all chewie and lightsabers darknuts!


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