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Strange Pink Floyd Bit Torrent


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Ok,maybe its just me but I find this to be one of the strangest music related bit torrents I have come across.

Heres the text....


Pink Floyd

Earl's Court

London, England


"Shortest Show Ever"

Just as Pink Floyd started the show a 1,200 seat section of stands colllapsed, sending people falling up to 20 feet. No serious injuries (although 8 people went to the hospital), the show was rescheduled to the 17th. A T-shirt was given to the people who were in the collapsed area.


For some strange reason,I just gotta download this.

Small file : 28.78 MB


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Its a 5:53 audio.

Not to much to it really,about 1:20 of Shine on you crazy diamond,then they band stops,you dont hear any crash or screams from the people injured.Then someone annouces that "there has been a small problem at the back of the hall and the band will restart the song from the beginning",to just hold on for 5 minutes or so.Then the next announcement states they are postponing the nights performace to assure that the other seats are stable."

So it was a one minute twenty second show.

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Guest Low Roller

Wouldn't it be more the venue's fault rather than the band's? I'm sure that a personal injury suit against Earls Court would stand a better chance to end in compensation than one against the band. Heck, I think that the band can even file a suit against the venue.

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Well, I was kidding when I made my last post, and I don't want to hijack Esau's thread, but, since you asked, if I were commencing that action (although traditionally I'd be more likely to be defending) I would name the band as well as the venue as well as the maintenance company that looks after the structure that fell down (if an outside contractor) as well as the manufacturer of the structure that fell down...

The point is you name everyone who may have been liable for erecting the structure, maintaining it, inspecting it, warning the crowd of the potential for injury, and anything else relevant you can find. You narrow down who the proper defendant is later. Ideally, from the Plaintiff's perspective, you generally hope that all or most of the defendants get together and decide among themselves who is the likely culprit, or decide who bears which percentages of liability, and each throw some money into a pot to buy off your clients. Otherwise, they start pointing fingers at each other and do most of the work for the plaintiffs by investigating each other; whether it makes it all the way to trial or settles before.

Also, yes, Floyd might have an action against everyone else I named. The venue might have an action against everyone else (although probably not the band, as they probably didn't do anything apart from failing to warn the crowd). On top of all that, each defendant can name others that it thinks is responsible as "Third Parties", if the plaintiffs forget to name someone. For instance the welders who built the structure, or the manufacturer of the bolts in it, etc., depending on what may have caused the collapse. (Of course, practically speaking it would actually be the insurance companies for all the defendants and third parties dealing with it, but the defendants and third parties would be named personally to "trigger" that insurance.)

Anyway, this is probably a boring topic to most people out there, so I think I'll stop rambling now...

Also, my usual disclaimer, to cover my behind: The above is not legal advice. It is not intended to provide legal advice on any specific set of facts or at all. In the event you require legal advice on any particular set of facts you should consult a licensed lawyer in your own provincial or territorial jurisdiction.

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