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trey in playboy


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Not a bad review, but I get sick of hearing about the vaccuum cleaner antics. I mean it's not like that's pulled out at every damn show.

I am listening to the Plasma CD right now and have to say that Trey kicks ass. The long jams are just incredible, you can just sense how much fun they're having. I'd highly recommend it. There's nothing on it that doesn't blow me away.

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Well what did you think of the "When" from Portland then??? I thought it was really embarrasing when I was there and even more suprised to see it officially released. The end of this song REALLY kills the whole vibe/mood of the song.

I can laugh as much as the next guy, but you just gotta wonder....they can piss in the ears of the listeners and people will happily lap it up.

I just continually see evidence of insincerity in Trey's vocals. I mean I love the guy, but the winter tour was just NASTY from the point of view of Trey's vocals.

Anybody else feel the same way about this??


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I don't think about Trey and his music too much. Some stuff is good and some isn't quite as good. That's the way it goes with almost all perfomers.

Trey seemed pretty happy and sincere on his solo tour. He looked happy and driven with Oysterhead. Thankfully I'm no Trey and Phish expert, but my music collection is better because of Trey's collective bands' contributions.

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anyone see the picture of trey in rollingstone with nelly? it's even funnier because he's (trey) holding this cellphone up like he's some sort of bling-blinging . . . guy . . . I laughed and I laughed and then I cried and then I luaghed some more. . .

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its funny how after all sorts of years they will still mention the vaccuum antics. i thought the review was allright but not too great, the article was awesome, i wish the link had worked.

the part where hes discussing drugs is really good, saying when people get heavily into the hard drugs no work gets done, those harder drugs arent an inspiration at all, they just suck you in.

and on the last page hes talking about politics for a bit, and he mentions that all the ppl that didnt vote, they were saying "ahh it wouldnt make a difference" but it would have, if bush wasnt in there right now the worldly affairs would be in better shape, less wars at least.

great interview, its worth the cut n paste

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