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If I had gumption, I'd go to this year's Bonnaroo just to see Modest Mouse, Iron & Wine, ABB, M. Ward and especially My Morning Jacket.

There are great acts scheduled this year, and I'm sure some major BIG performers will be added soon.

The way I see it, the people who go to see the acts you've listed are the ones that have the problem Del is talking about. Who do I see - where and when.

For me, you have to want to see 2 of the 3 headliners (ie. WSP x2 for me, don't care about DMB). You're going to like at least one of the late night acts - or at least be in the mood to have a great time for at least one. And then boom, everything else is a bonus.

If you go in wanting to see the many many support acts, you set yourself up for dissappointment, or at least I'd be setting MYSELF up for dissappointment. Not only do you have to pick and choose - these shows are likely during the day, and alot of the people at them are likely just taking in a preview to see if they're worth going to see in the future. (even the ABB will likely be like 6pm to 8pm or something, which means still light out).

I think if you head into it like that, Bonnaroo is the best thing going. For damn sure!

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Does anyone remember when the whole Giv'er craze swept through the Skanc? Remember when all anyone would talk on the weekend was how hard they were Givin'er? Remember how fast it got old? Well, here we are, about a year later, and GOLD seems to be creeping into a large amout of posts... Now it's nowhere near the abuse that was associated with Giv'er, and I'll admit that Seinfeld was a damn funny tv show, but come on people... Seinfeld wasn't so good that we should go around quoting it on a daily basis... And GOLD really is only funny because of the way Bania says it... GOLD itself is kind of lame... What's next? Jeepers Creepers? Maybe I'm being a little harsh, and I should let this one play itself out, but before I have to hear it at every party and festival I attend this year, let's all take a step back and ask ourselves - "Do I really want to be like Bania?"...

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Do you honestly believe that "GOSH" came from Napoleon? Dude, get out of your house a little more often... Come to the afterparties, talk to the people... GOSH's been around forever...

[color:"purple"] As usual, Booche comes up with an original, interesting response...

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If I was ever thinking of going to bonnaroo this thread has made my decision to not go that much easier.

Other than all the great acts (which are impossible to see them all) why would anyone want to go? That's a lot of money to pay to miss a lot of great music.

All I hear are compaints about how the venue sucks, everything is overpriced, you have to wait like 17 hours to get in, etc. So why are people still going?

Instead of trying to squeeze all this music into a weekend why not spend a little more money, drive a little further south and see pretty much all the same bands (plus a lot more great acts) over 10 days at the New Orleans Jazz Festival. That's what I'm hoping to do again this year.

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If I was ever thinking of going to bonnaroo this thread has made my decision to not go that much easier.

Other than all the great acts (which are impossible to see them all) why would anyone want to go? That's a lot of money to pay to miss a lot of great music.

All I hear are compaints about how the venue sucks, everything is overpriced, you have to wait like 17 hours to get in, etc. So why are people still going?

Instead of trying to squeeze all this music into a weekend why not spend a little more money, drive a little further south and see pretty much all the same bands (plus a lot more great acts) over 10 days at the New Orleans Jazz Festival. That's what I'm hoping to do again this year.

How is it possible that a message board full of hippies can all see the glass half empty (missing music) ????? No matter what you miss you'll still see at least 8 hours of solid music a day - more likely closer to 60 hours of music between Thursday and Monday - hell, I'd be hardpressed to say I listened to that much music worth of CDs in that short of timespan!

Sure the corporatization of 'roo is a complaint. But sh!t, its not like the shows in Toronto won't be at the "Air Canada Centre" etc. etc. etc. Norlens shows can't be too less corporate then everywhere else in the world. Bonnaroo wasn't corporate the first year. Now it is.

This message sponsored by Samual Smiths Oatmeal Stout - beer of the lot generation.

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I'm not saying you won't see a lot of music, just that you'd miss a lot and the sets you do see would be short.

What I'm asking is why go other than that? Is it really as bad as I hear?

Ike. You and I have seen a show or two together. I remember being 8th row at one of the most monumental shows in the history of psychedalic rock (although not necessarily for a good reason). You know I've been to a show or two, and a festival or two. I can without question say that Bonnaroo I and Bonnaroo II, respectively, were the best two shows I've ever been to. Other than maybe Jewstock ;)

Although, admittedly, I haven't been to Jazz Fest. And haven't done any of the west coast festies.

Seriously though man, do yourself a favour and come to bonnaroo. There is something huge to be said for not having to drive, or deal with anyone that isn't at the show, and for the fact that no matter how wasted you are you can follow your ear and there is music playing a short walk away.

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I've been to many shows and many festivals and there is nowhere else you'll get a better bang for your buck than thr roo. When people say you'll miss one of your favorite bands because there is another band you want to see playing at the same time makes no sense to me. You are always seeing a great band play. what the fu©k??? If I could swing it i'd be there every summer.

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What about the fact that WSP is headlining? What if you wouldn't see WSP even if they played in your city? Is it still worth it? That's a lot of money and time and miles to catch a handful of bands that you really do want to see, that you could probably see for longer and a lot cheaper closer to home...

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What about the fact that WSP is headlining? What if you wouldn't see WSP even if they played in your city? Is it still worth it? That's a lot of money and time and miles to catch a handful of bands that you really do want to see, that you could probably see for longer and a lot cheaper closer to home...

I said above, I figure to be worth it you have to want to see 2/3 of the headliners. That being said, if you haven't seen WSP south of the Mason-Dixon line, then you for sure should! The second night at 'roo 2002 was one of the best shows of the weekend easily. Amazing Tall Boy with Dotties Peoples and the Peoples' Choir!!!!

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I'll be catching panic a couple times in April so that makes my trip to bonnaroo that much less likely. You interested in a Detroit - Cleveland run MoMack?

Doing er up for sure. We'll have to put a good team together. We'll talk Saturday.

As an aside - I may have over represented Bonnaroo - it in no way compared to any Dead show I ever saw aside from maybe Buffalo '93 (cause I was only 13).

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Get a team together for WSP and let me know. I know Schwa is coming for sure, and I have friends coming in from other places as well... Outdoor after-party at my house, I believe...

As far as Bonnaroo, it SUCKS plain and simple. Not worth the money, because as has been pointed out, you end up missing 2 acts you want to see while your watching one. 16 hours in line is ridiculous (had my passengers not gotten out to 'walk up and see how much farther the line went' I would have sold my tix on the spot and went home. So you wait 16 hours in line, to be able to see only 1/20th of the music scheduled. Not to mention the terrible sanitation problems, disgusting smeels, opressive heat, and everything is super-expensive. They don't let you bring beer into the concert area so they get you there too. I went in '03 and Before day 2 I told myself I would never go to another one EVER again. I don't care WHO is playing there, I can certainly see every act that will be there somewhere else this year if I want to badly enough. Sorry to rain on anyone's parade, but Boo the 'Roo and fu©k SUPERFLY!!!

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Yes boo the roo, but Superfly is actually a great production company. They put on all the big name jam band shows during jazz fest in New Orleans. And that's the big difference jazz fest and bonnaroo. Shows instead of sets.

Not to mention the fact that Superfly and (whate the other one for 'roo), although still involved in Bonnaroo to some extent and on the flyers etc. defintely sold the right and sh!t to ticketmaster/clear channel. The suits annonced it during the 2nd 'roo.

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