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Friday the 28th, in London


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whoaaaaaa... all of the sudden we got some choices to make...

Metric @ Call The Office

Joel Plaskett w/ Cuff The Duke @ The Embassy

tough call.. love the Plaskett, but the duke have yet to get me, and the embassy is further away and generally, you feel shittier in the embassy... dont touch the walls... Metric was awesome last time i saw them at Call The Office.. its walking distance.. emily haines is hot as hell... hmmm....

also, THE GOLDEN DOGS at Call The Office Feb. 3rd... very much looking forward to catching my first golden dogs show! $5 at the door!

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That same show: Joel Plaskett/Cuff the duke is here in Ottawa this Friday I think. I don't have time took it up but Pretty sure it is.

Metric is the 29th. Both shows are Capital Music Hall and anyone wearing thick black-rimmed glasses gets in at half price.

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interesting cowboy, very interesting... you've given me something to think about this week... will get back to you.. thanks man!

and scottie, i think i'd lean more towards plaskett, too.. he always kicks serious ass, and although metric is great live, its not THAT much different than putting the album on.. plaskett's a little more of a showman, and he's got a bigger body of work to keep me entertained... plus, fu©k, its joel plaskett... a canadian musical treasure in my eyes.

and yeah, lookin forward to the golden dogs for sure... if anyone knows where i can get a big foam finger in the shape of a thumbs down, let me know...

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