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Some words from Beats


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I thought i'd head this off at the pass before things get too crazy around here...

I sense some things stirring around, I thought you all should know (whoever might be getting ticked off because of whatever reason - even if it's your mom bugging you about how you cook your eggs or if you're pissed off about world politics or somethng to do with this board and the people you know on it) that you rock.

I think that the group of people that have come together and made friends and acquaintances because of interests in music and this scene are worth more to each other than any quabble or personal issue.

People have to air differences, but i'd hate to see friends drop friends because of something they'll regret down the line.

I know we're all bigger than whatever we're stressing about even if we think the other person is being petty.

not to avoid confrontation and conflict - but i'm sure that if there's something you need to say you would probably appreciate the chance to voice concerns without the concerns in question being questionned or written off.

if you have to say something to somebody try to take the floor AND give the floor up to hear the other side of the argument IN TURN. it's hard to get this to work but if everybody's mature and reasonable then a good heartfelt chat over a beer might be able to work...if not then sorry to meddle, but i dont' want to pry, i dont' want to know about any of it...just do your thing and make this life work out the best it can.

so sit mom down and explain to her that yes baking powder is alright to put in your eggs because it makes them fluff up. it's alright to eat french toast with ketchup (personally i'm into chili sauce or salsa but ketchup is nice and exotic for this man)...

we're all individuals with insecurities and stubbornness. we should all have the ability to be candid, understanding, and genuine as well.

I love all you stinkers. don't fu©k anything up more than you have to...maybe it just takes poaching your eggs when mom's around or humouring her with some maple syrup on your french toast...or finding a new recipe altogether.

let's get cookin'!

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by the way i hope things are copacetic between myself and everybody here (thanks for the fancy word MarcO) - because I don't recall any anger between myself and anybody else...however, if anybody's got a beef with beats, throw me a PM...figured i'd coax anybody to air anything they can out with me. no need to keep a beef from me. sometimes when you let it hang too long it rots away instead of getting tender and tasty...mmm...beef

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Why's that? he's been nothing but supportive and funny to me.

I hope you can fix all your differences, Freeknuts. I'm sure he's just misunderstood. i think i kinda get him...he posts so few times anyway. I never even see him out anymore. he doens't return my calls and he has a coupld of my CDs...in fact, i'm gonna PM him now and tell him what's up with us. thanks for the reminder. hope he changes his tune. (it always seems to be 'popcorn'...that poppy little synth ditty...i'm sure it's stuck in your head now as it is mine...di di di duh do duh doo, di di di duh do duh doo - duh duh di duh di duh, duh di duh di duh (duh di duh do di daa!)) oh no...

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supportive? somebody's got to be now and again, you wimp.

'ooh waa waaa waaaaa don't be angry at oneanother...'




thanks for getting popcorn stuck in my head. FACK!!!!

like you'll be getting that cd back ever now.

I hate you too Freekerbythespeaker...but you do have some funny avatars and some 'mild' logic - you couldn't burn an a$$hole if your life depended on it.

'i fu©king hate that Silky Juice bastard'...what's that all about? step up or did your balls leave on that raccoon?

(oh my!)

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