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anti-valentines lovin

snarfmaster C

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hey there sanctuary dwellers!

as most of you are probably aware, monday we are supposed to get all lovey with our special someone... write them a card, buy them stuff, do something nice for 'em... all that shite...

SO, being the single and bitter person that i am, i've spent some time putting together a collection of songs about love lost, loneliness, messed up relationships... you know, good stuff like that - to offer up to all the other SINGLE and maybe bitter people out there. my way of sharing some love and showing solidarity with my single friends... and of course saying 'fu©k you' to all those happy couples exchanging flowers and sharing a romantic dinner, and to those businesses rackin in the cash for cheap chocolates and cheeeezey stuffed animals. blech. (i did tell you i'm bitter, right?)

i'm going to mostly spread the love here in peterborough, so if you're around let me know and i'll get a copy to you -- but i'll mail some off for the first few responses.

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i am part of a couple and we plan to spend tomorrow making fun of all the suckers who buy in to that crap and force themselves to have a romantic day.i'm going to come home from work, eat, do some homework and read while rick watches tv. the same thing we do everyday and i like it. i don't know about you but buying crap for someone that they don't need or even really want just because someone tells me this is the day to do it is not my idea of a true expression of my feelings. when i want to express how i feel i will do it when and how i want. also, i don't eat chocolate and i think diamonds are weird. i mean really, it's just a rock. i've seen way cooler looking rocks on the beach up north than the tiny clear little things they put in rings and what not. and diamonds really are just a symbol of how the west gets rich off of the back of poorer nations and people. if you want to see an industry that is purely evil read about the diamond industry.

valentines day is for dumb suckers.

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