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Brent Butt lecture wed in ottawa


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alright...what a fu©king ridiculous spin on this thread.

it's not the point that he's funny or not

it's not the point that you like the show or not.

the whole point of having that guy lecture is to gain some insight on how the media - namely television - works, how he got where he is and i really wish i was there because I have some aspirations that overlap into that medium.

did anybody wind up catching the lecture?

but realistically, you and I both get off on music. some people are tapped into comedy and more visual mediums.

I find it silly that there's the ''it' comedian' spin...so what if there's no serious longevity? how does that really lower the value of his/her work?

that's the kind of mentality that keeps us back. Canada is a land that grows entertainment and intellectual property. I don't see you getting recognized for any outstanding accomplishments or making money from your intellectual property.

I have to say though...just because 2 million people watch the show doesn't make it GOOD...but it leads me to think that it's a compelling show. I don't care much for it but I'd have appreciated the wisdom and insight I could've reaped from the lecture. doesn't mean i'll start watching the show but I hardly think the guy's a hack.

I've gone to see a lot of mediocre jambands and sh!tty punk rock and had a great time...same sh!t, different pile.

why marginalize something you have no interest in? trying to dissuade interest in the lecture?

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CB you really excel at shitting in 15 directions at once. I think I could probably pick out the corn kernels of wisdom but I'm too tired to rationalize this waste of bandwidth that I jokingly contributed to.

Do the tiny tots need more purple font?

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essentially here's what i said...

so you don't like his crap

he just wants to talk about his crap

and i think it's sometimes good to hear some insight on stool consistency

i generally prefer piss

there's been a lot of crap before

but just because there's a lot of crap doesn't mean it's sh!tty

we don't need to sh!t all over ourselves

a lot of people seem to use the same kind of toilet to do their business...i prefer the outhouse, but can understand why some like the flush

I've had a lot of time to myself with some draining diarrhea but that release was appreciated at the time...but it still took me away from more meaningful activities

there's no reason to force it though...it's better to save your load till you really HAVE to go...otherwise you're just doing it to have something to read.

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there's no reason to force it though...it's better to save your load till you really HAVE to go...otherwise you're just doing it to have something to read.

I would say regular bowel movements are healthy, the more you internalize the more toxicity you expose yourself to, and the more you eventually expose that toxicity to others. If you let it go on a regular basis some people will understand why you're letting it go, and others will tell you to cork your a$$hole. Even still you can artfully drop one and make a satisfying splashing sound without causing those around you to hold their nose and scream in agony and complain about how you always let off a stinker and you're never fragrant enough for them. Then again some people have sensitive noses.

You should also be reminded that in this forum there's definitely no shortage of 79 cent airwick plug-ins that ARE fragrant, but that hide other smells. At least my shitstink is real and unadulterated.

I did find your fecal post meaningful though. Good sh!t for sure. I love a good challenge as much as a good sit on the throne.

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and i agree...a lot of mediocre media and talent are paraised for being canadian while the great canadian work is underground.

i thikn it's a case of the wrong product being pushed with a bit more drive.

i mean come on...if it's a sure fire hit, why not push the harder-to-market stuff with more oomph and it'll get just as much notoriety and you won't have such a huge popularity class divide. it'll all be very profitable and over time, the sensibilities of the masses will become more nomalized...evened out...

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