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To my wonderful OTTAWA Friends....


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Geez...just got home from tour (With BNB) and thought I would check out Ye Ol'Jambands page...firstly thanks for the flattering picture of me making "I'm in some sort of music related pain face", gave me a good chuckle. A second, thanks for the kind words as of late...honestly knowing you have folks out their that beleive in you makes this journey a hell of alot easier...We Appreciate the support. I think the Scene and more accurately the people that I know in Ottawa are a good example of what it takes to keep a scene healthy...to have positive and enthusiastic thoughts and feelings for all of us bands who are travelling around this enormous country trying to do what we love...and also trying to ensure to the best of our abilities that you the fans and listeners have the best time that you possibly can...to the Ottawa folks and the rest of Canada that supports that Thank-you...to the bands...JSB, GTB, SLowCoaster, BObby and the MIdnights, Fat Cats, Jommamma, Rheostatics, Constatines, MOtley Crue...whoever...keep travelling and making music. I guess this last tour taught me that I belong on the road.

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heheh....that picture is a classic!

It goes in my 'taking a good sh!t' guitar face series ;)

The last time you guys were here was a super treat and with the rumour of a return in May, a lot of people are already getting excited.

Check your hotmail account and make sure it still works. I tried emailing you 2 weeks ago and I got errors.

I'm glad you guys are having enough fun to keep on trucking and playing for everyone. There is usually a magic shared at your shows that goes beyond most experiences.

THANKS for the music !

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How about that solo Mike gig in Ottawa? Or a Mike and Jeff night? I know I keep asking, but only because I'd love to see it happen. I think we would have a good turnout for one of these, although I won't complain as long as we get to see the Burties as much as we have lately...

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