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worst snail mail cdr trade experience..


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okay, i'll preface this with saying that i've accumulated my whole collection through snail mail trades, as I don't have highspeed capabilities. Such an exciting time in itself... db.etree.org/backbacon

so I set out to get a certain abb show for a buddy... 3.26.99... found someone with it and set up a trade. Someone from texas. he selected from me los lobos 2 26 00. he was the type that wanted to receive his show before he sent to me... fine. i sent him the show, along with full colour covers.

a couple weeks later he tells me that he rec'd the package but disc one was blank! ooops... innocent mistake, just threw the wrong disc in the package.

so I sent out another copy of disc one.. not blank. weeks go by and finally it's established that the disc was not to arrive to him. he tells me that I need to send both discs because it's been weeks and he's misplaced the 2nd disc too. okay, I can understand that. He says that he'll send the abb show, since he understands that I'm trying over here... you know.

So I burn another copy of the show and send it off.

Again, a couple weeks later I get an email from him. the copy I resent was burned TAO. (track-at-once = 2 sec gap btwn songs) (not good). I've never done this before. I did this copy at work and, not being familiar with the software, send him a TAO copy. Thing is, he's a little peeved and tells me he just wants it to be over with and please don't send him anything else! (again, understandable.) I tell him I'm going to go ahead and send him a good copy anyways.. he says don't. Whatever, I'm going to.

So I did. A couple days ago... I also included, as a bonus of rhis hassles, the two disc bnb frontier town 5.20.01 show that I had an extra copy of laying around. (with covers)

Wouldn't you know it... the package I sent to him came back to me with a Canada post return to sender label on it. "This shipping label cannot be used for this country."

Hmm, what does that mean... one hundred packages sent with similar 'labelling' and no problems.. GOSH!

So yeah, rediculousness! I did get the abb show, so that's good.. but, I sent 4 packages at aprrox $2.50 each and a total of 9 discs and buddy still doesn't have his goods.

I'm going to resend this effer out again tmrw... I'll show him! :)

It's just a game to me now, this little two disc trade. I wish buddy could see the humour in this and not see me as some jerk who has no idea and is a total burn-out.

thought i'd share this little story, in this day of simply downloading shows the day after.

Gotta love that personal contact with people through snail mail trades. long live them! I will never stop!


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Texas, eh?

Who wants to bet you're attempting to trade with one of George W's cousins!?!

I know we pissed him off over that whole missile defence issue, but it hardly seems fair to play with backbacon's emotions and sanity like that, but I expect he's just looking for any way to get back at us crazy Canucks... ;)

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oh, htat helps 2ndube! mmm mmm mmm methany!! :)

what'll help more is finally getting an email from buddy that says, got the discs, they are great, thanks!

btw, the statement, "Gotta love that personal contact with people through snail mail trades. long live them! I will never stop!," was certainly not sarcasism.

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