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CAUTION JAM,Easter Sunday Show in St. Catherines!


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Hmmmm, if my family dinner in Welland ends at an early enough hour, I may find myself with an opportunity to head to St. Kitts for this show. I'd love a blast of Caution Jam, and it's been too long since I've seen any of the St. Catharine's crew. Throw in partying with Wi!!y and SevenSeasJim and my Easter weekend is looking like it has some potential for serious fun!

Peace, Mark

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jesus.. what are you doing in ilderton???

my mom lives there.i'm having dinner with my family, which is always an interesting experience as i'm vegan, my step-dad's on the atkin's diet and i'm allergic to cats, and all of my family memeber except me have cats. (i think it's psychosematic though ;) ) anyone that comes to pick me up gets to see how eerily alike mea nd my mom look. you know those freedom 55 commercials? we could do them convinvcingly.

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Anywaze,, got any requests?? we love em...

Requests eh? Hmmm... okay, here's a few I'd love to hear:

China Cat > Rider (and jam it the hell out - I want my knees to tremble when I first pick up the 'Rider riff emerging through the aural haze)

Hot Dog (yes, I mean the Led Zeppelin song - got it in ya?)

Friend of the Devil (and make it upbeat - none of this mellow, i've-done-too-much-smack stuff)

Dancin' In The Streets (i'm thinking a la Cornell '77 - maybe a great encore...)

I'll see what else I can come up with. Hey Tonin; you still up for this?

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now that really sucks!!!! Well, hopefully I'll see you in a few in the Loo.

Yes, I was bummed that it didn't work out Marc. It's been too long, my friend! Hope to see you in the not-too-distant future.

And it's been too long since I've seen Caution Jam ... it's sounding like it's going to be a full-on Caution Jam blowout!

I'm still waiting for somebody to create a time machine so that I can make it to multiple happenings! ::

Peace, Mark

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