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Need a Valentine? (Part 2)

Canned Beets

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I come complete with cheese and a whole lot of whine.

I know I only mentioned a valentine, because I figured coming out and saying I'm desperate might be a bit pathetic.

I'm not picky, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be.

To quote Canned Beats:

I'm all about the sauce by the way...i drizzle it on long and slow, and then lick it off...one thing leads to another and after the cigarette it's off to the shower and out to the show.

Ladies, bring your single girlfriends that can't seem to get laid... GUYS - bring your single girlfriends that can't get a date...

or get them to call me. that'd be even better actually...

No one is as desperate as me.

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wow. get THAT guy a date...anybody that quotes me really needs some help.


canned beets - just relax, chill out, maybe read a book or write some frustrated poetry or something. who knows. maybe you'll realize something about yourself you never understood before.

best of luck. seems like you need it.

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i'm kinda flatterrd the guy chooses a username in homage to me, as he (maybe a she who knows - ladies can love ladies) only really changed one letter...

and quotes me...

but keep in mind...that guy's desperate, whereas i'm just not all that interested. don't get us confused

i second the j-roc beets epic bar hopping night. jared's an alright guy. at least beets'd have somebody backing him up when he says something stupid to the wrong girl.

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well that's a nice thought...i'm not. maybe Beets is...i'm actually ripping off a radio show called 'pickled beats' on CKCU (if it's still on)

i agree canned heat was a cool band...however, i rarely get 'pickled'...and i dig on music and most home producers that have no drummer use canned beats - i dig the rhythm section.

but what the fuck. we don't need to add to this silly thread anymore do we? i mean unless people can actually add to the thread - which is pointing out something about me or shallow, lonely loveless people...i think there isn't really anything anybody can add to this thread.

i haven't done anything worth praising (or denouncing) to my knowledge so this is strange.

but if anybody has anything to say to me or ask me or any stories about me or whatever then i guess this is the place to post em. but i think your efforts could probably be better spent reading a book or writing a poem or making some folk art.

or downloading music - something my dialup connection does not allow me to do.

keep it real folks.

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