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plz tell me your all seeing THIEVORY CORP

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I wanna go. I love thier breakbeat dub stuff. Thier production is top notch and they use a lot of outboard FX live. I'm sure it will be a kick ass show judging from the quality of thier most recent release.

However one problem.....They want $35 a ticket. WOW that's overpriced even for a quality act that them. I guess Carlu is a really small club or something.

Another thing, there sems to be a real level of fear or ignorance on the Jambands.ca forum these days when it comes to the electronic music. What gives?

If it's rock based does that mean it doesn't count or something?


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I love the Thievery Corporation on CD, but I don't know what I'll gain by seeing them live that I won't be able to do by sitting on my couch. Given that I haven't investigated the situation, you say they're playing with a band. I suspect that means two keyboard players, a keytar player, a horn section and two DJs. I'd love to see them with a live drummer, but somehow I don't think that's going to happen. I'll stand corrected if they are bringing a drummer on the road, but like I say, I doubt it.

EDIT: Closest I found was this, but it doesn't specify anything.

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In this months Relix Thievery Corp. are featured along with STS9,The New Del, The Disco Bisuits and Signal Path.

In thier interview they say the don't use live drummer's becuase they like the pushed time feel of samples and like the fact that each sample has it's own texture and inherent production value. They say that they would feel limited by the same kit sound all night.

So no live drums.

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