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Greg Keelor is the man!


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Nice Article. Years ago I worked at Lake Louise on the Bell Staff and one of the "lifers" knew both Greg & Jim. They were touring and finally stayed at Chateau Lake Louise were they both worked. So they pull up in the busses and Jim Cuddy's driving a van packed with gear. I met them at the door and Jim politely asked if I could park the van full of gear. Man, it was like "Super-Band In-A-Box". So I park tha van and return the keys to him and he passes me a healthy tip which I tried to decline to which he replied "I used to work here and I know how lousy the pay is." Then Greg passed a couple of tickets my way for the concert in Banff. Bob Wiseman was still playing with them at the time.

All I can say is what a great bunch of people and musicians. And a very funny moment when Greg forgot the opening verse to "My Dark Angel"...

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They are a great band to see live. It;s just one great tune after another and the GUITARS THEY PLAY!!! (sigh.....) Oh, the guitars!

Unfortunately around here they always play Hamilton Place, making for a very stuffy and reserved crowd. Which is a shame because when they gather a head of steam, Blue Rodeo can really rock!

Keelor is a treasure. His new album is very good actually. Just very sombre.

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Q: What makes you want to take it off and get it on?

A: A big bonfire, lots of music, and a variety of intoxicants.

Sounds like he'd have a blast at CTMF! Especially with some of those fires back in the Frontier Town days.

I'm pretty sure that Blue Rodeo has actually played at Izzy's a couple of times.

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I'm going to see Blue Rodeo tonight and it's been years since I've seen them. I scored amazing seats from the pre-sale, sect. 34 row E, check out how they're configuring the arena...


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