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Traffic in Ottawa-Hull today


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Did anyone get stuck in the crazy traffic today, or see a cause? I didn't really notice it until we got into hull and saw unbelievable lines of cars heading towards the 5 which leads to King Edward. Also, there was major traffic on the 50 that goes to Gatineau. I don't know what was causing it, but it was nasty. We weren't stuck in it, but I really get curious when I see crazy traffic for no apparant reason.

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Might have been the "Right to Life" (anti-abortion) march. This afternoon when I passed it, it had a fair section of Bank closed down, and was moving on.

oh yeah? F*ckers are lucky I didn't see them...grrrrrr...

As for traffic...jeepers! Moms car broke down so I had to take her to the NAC and every short cut I tried to make....was no short cut at all! Man alive it was frustrating! Added to that Ottawa drivers were in top Ottawa driving form....which is horrible....I swear I can drive drunk better than most people drive here sober! I swear it!

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did you see any of those bastards that rush through an intersection only to stop mid-intersection because there is too much traffic, and then the light changes, and they just sit there blocking the cross-traffic...ignorant, in their own little world?

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Hahaha!!!! Oh yEaHHH...ya gotta remember to breath deeeep.

What drives me MOST CRAZY in this city....really really gets my goat...is HOW BLOODY DIFFICULT IS IT TO STAY BETWEEN THE LINES?????!!!

I mean I just plain don't get it???? Stay in the bloody lines people...I always wonder how they're not scared to just be loppisiding out of the lanes.

This is where I say I can drive better drunk...it just aint that hard to stay in ones lane....the lanes are huge.

Thank jebus I don't drive as a courior anymore...that was stressfull!

ahhhh traffic.

good times.

gotta get a new cd player.

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did you see any of those bastards that rush through an intersection only to stop mid-intersection because there is too much traffic, and then the light changes, and they just sit there blocking the cross-traffic...ignorant, in their own little world?

Don't even get me started...ever been t-boned by a bus?

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