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calling all vibes...


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I hate to look for handouts, but it's come time to ask for some help. it's very important, as intention makes a serious difference as we all know.

here's my dilemma: I've got a line on dirt cheap rent in Vancouver but haven't been able to get in touch with the landlady - I don't want this to leave me...$240 a month at davie and jarvis? I hear it's a super safe part of downtown west and being 4 blocks from the beach and hugely affordable I need this place.

you see...I'm moving and basing a move on this opportunity...so if you have any good feelings to spare, I'd absolutely appreciate it.

and I'd also like to get together to shake it down when i get into town. as soon as june, people!

Drop me a line or just think it and help me be.

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davie and jarvis is in the heart of the west end, the most densely populated area in North America (per capita). It's also the gay-man part of town (the lesbians are on Commercial Dr.) but there's a lot more than just gay people there, being so populated n' all. Ya it's safe, but so is all of Vancouver, even the sketchy areas rarely get violent to normal people.

$240? - are you sure it wasn't a typo? Maybe she meant $2400... cuz that's also one of the most expensive parts of town.

If it falls through, then I suggest looking in East Vancouver, near Main St. or Commercial Drive. They are great areas, close to everything and more affordable than downtown or Kits. Commercial Dr. is the organic/vegan/vegetarian/anti-corporate/anachist/artist/musician/food co-op type of area...

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ahhh memories...I was 19 when I first lived in Van...on first east and commercial. At first it was a bit scarey but I was just young braving that city solo...once I got familarized and met some folks I felt pretty dang comfy!

I miss those Monkey trees that look like they're flipping the bird! Was ever dissappointed though that Sugar Magnolia trees smell like Peptol Bismal!

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[color:red]Yo Beats I moved here last summer. and so far, I hear alot of talk, Yet no action. I've seen the rooming houses and yes your room will be small, If your lucky enough to have your own room. As for not being able to get a hold of your land lord, It really doesn't suprise me. Don't count on that room, have a back up plan!!!

Landlords I've found aren't very reliable in Van.

As for work there is lots in Construction, and the service industry. As well as extra work for T.V., Movies and things.

But there are lots of different places available. Your best bet from my experiences is to find someone who has a section of house leasded. then rent a room and share the common living space. The so called "boarding houses" aren't very nice and usually crowded.

Cost of living here as compared to the rest of the counry is really high ie. (gasoline, groceries and rent) But there are ways around it like farmers markets, flea markets and such. Rent I think is comparable to Toronto.

I found the "Thrift Sores" to priced high, considering your buying someone elses crap. Be cautious and wize with your money.

My biggest problem with this city is the musicians

(at least with most of the ones I've met.)

They are so full of shit. they are so full of shit that, even if they don't like you,the sound, the band, the practice schedual, whatever. They'll still tell you they love the project can't wait to start, But then avoid your phone calls until you stop calling. I'd rather be told to go Fuck myself than be lied to. Maybe it's me, But I kinda like telling the truth to those I interact with. Who knows.

After saying those bad things about Van. I do have some nice things as well. This is absolutely a beautiful city, with beautiful surroundings,great redilly available pot and alot of potential to be tne greatest city in Canada but the residence have to make the difference, and in my opinion right now, there not trying very hard.

The municipal Gov't is very conservitive despite the tollerated pot use. They're completely ruining the music scene here.

Anyway hope I helped. I came from Kitchener then Toronto, so in west coast eyes I might as well be a yankee. Don't let my post turn you off though this is a great place. Stunning scenery even driving down the road, and there is lots of fun stuff to do. just bring your check book B.C. doesn't stand for British Columbia it stands for [color:red][color:green]BRING CASH

good luck in whatever you do, and let it bring you happiness, peace.

[color:blue]Epp Limp

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Hey Beats, Welcome!

You won't regret a thing, I promise you.....There's lots to do, lots to see and alot of fantastic people in the live music community here in Van....we all know each other through 1 degree of separation. Open yourself to the flow, the flow will provide. Please feel free to get in touch with me through the Upstream board when you get here....I would be glad to offer you advice on people, places and things...and look forward to meeting you...

Ebb, sorry to hear you're not enjoying yourself here. I'll not take your comments personally, because my world here is the opposite of what you describe.

We have a tendancy here in the west to be polite...and there are potentially lots of reasons that these musicians you speak of don't return your calls. I regularly run ads in the Straight and build bands here and if I can offer some advice, you may need to lower expectations of people, then you wont be so jaded.....I end my correspondence with potential players with "If I don't hear back from you, it's all good." and if i don't hear back from them, I don't take it personally.

Be well,


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thanks everybody...my friend's landlady is a nut so i'm moving in with another friend.

anyhow, I'm trying to sell all my bass gear to get some cash...soon enough i'll have some loot saved to get new stuff if all goes well.

I'm not worried. wishy washy 'polite' people are in ontario too. i look forward to the opportunity and adversity.

I should be there within 3 weeks. i'll be getting in touch with as many people as I can. i need to make a life for myself and that includes good times and realistic focus.

All i can do is stay true to myself. I rock it.

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