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Depp Arranges Shooting of Thompson's Ashes


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Depp Arranges Shooting of Thompson's Ashes

By The Associated Press

The Associated Press

Friday, May 27, 2005; 7:58 AM

ASPEN, Colo. -- Organizers of a memorial for Hunter S. Thompson plan to erect a 150-foot structure _ courtesy of actor Johnny Depp _ to shoot the gonzo journalist's ashes onto his ranch near here.


Depp, who portrayed the author in the movie version of Thompson's book "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" will pay for the tower, designed to resemble Thompson's "gonzo fist" emblem.

As Thompson requested, his ashes will be shot out of the cannon onto his property.


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gtta give depp credit for making this happen, although i understand that hst's widow was pretty supportive of the idea.

i wonder if they'll film it and do a tribute DVD? there's gotta be footage of hst around from lecture tours. i have heard a few lectures that he gave at journalism schools in the late 70's, pretty hilarious.

go to http://www.radio4all.net and search for hunter s thompson if you've not heard it.

hst continues to be as weird in death as he was in life!!

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whens it time for me to go...I want Depp to shoot me right in the head(22 rattles around,so that'll work)....that'll be that.

to quote an insprational song (Newrider...where are ya?)

My first wife told me, you need to get a life

My second wife told me to get another life

I brought a bottle and the Impala's parked by that tree

So come on darling, if you want to be number three

Sometimes I feel like shit

Sometimes it ain't half of it

Sometimes I'm so high I'm scared to go to sleep

Sometimes I'm lower than the company I keep

Cheers to HST; to safer & higher places

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