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heavy trash tonight (hamilton)


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Anyone going to the Corktown for this one?

I called the Corktown earlier and found out the cover charge.... $23.00!!! Way overpriced if you ask me.

As for the openers.. They were *supposed* to be Delusions of Grandeur, The Lorrainas, and

Firehead & The Smoke–eaters.. A few minutes ago though, I read on another message board that all openers (besides The Sadies) were cancelled on Jon Spencer's request.. Just called The Corktown again and apparently its true, the openers are no more.

Forgot to ask if the cover charge had been changed though.

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23$? It's 13$ for the montreal show.

My apologys Brodie if this is/was one of your shows & sorry for those who like the place but its just not a very good venue anymore.Any other bar/venue I can see asking that kind of money, but Corktown?...I wonder which one of the urinals actually was working this week.Although the blood/puke soaked/stained carpets are always appealing,I just can't go there anymore.

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Went to the montreal show last night. Great times! HUGE line to get into Swimming (down the stairs, out the door and down the street), so I'm sure it sold out. Sadies were great and then acted as the backup for Heavy Trash. JS was in fine mic-sucking sweat-flying form. Sound left a lot to be desired, as it always does at the swimming, but still didn't spoil the fun.

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I checked out the show in Hamilton and I agree, it was high energy and really good - for a band playing their 3rd ever show together. The Sadies' opening set was awesome, they sound tighter than ever and Travis Good is blowing me away these days. They have this one song off the new album (Favourite Colours) called Northumberland Blues, where Travis has these amazing country rocking guitar licks all the way through. Jon Spencer and Matt Verta Ray (sp?) took the stage with The Sadies after a short break. Interesting to see Dallas Good in a different role than usual - he was switching between guitar, some kinda keyboard (wurlizter maybe?), and also playing with different effects pedals. Jon Spencer is still a great performer, Blane described it nicely above there. Couldn't believe he was sporting a full suit in that sweat hole of a venue. He was on acoustic all night, with vocals being his main duty. By the way, that was the first time I've ever been to the Corktown and I didn't mind it! I didn't check the bathroom though (went in the park nearby). Heavy Trash were good, fun, some songs better than others. They did one set plus a 4 song encore. The last song they made up on the spot, Spencer singing something along the lines of "this is the last song", etc, bluesy number.

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