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The Golden Dogs in Ottawa 6/17


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I think it's $10 at the door, and I'm pretty sure I'll be there. I want to see The Golden Dogs (and try to tape them again; for their previous Ottawa show at Dekcuf, my recorder failed me, and I got nothing of their set :( ). I plan on getting there early (like 9pm) to get set up in a good spot; there are two opening acts, though, but I'm unfamiliar with either of them.



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The Golden Dogs started about midnight, and put on what may have been the greatest club rock'n'roll show I've ever seen. Their performance was all about exuberance (whereas the opening acrs were more about aggression; what the openers did was done competenly, but wasn't really my thing).

Aside from that, words fail me right now. When I find my brain again (it's probably in with the taping gear), I'll try to post more.



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