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fave of the "big 3 british guitarists"


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I love Trower.

I might get some guff for this, but I've always been a huge George Harrison fan in the guitar playing realm. I mean, I admit that love the wank, sometimes a little too much. But we could sit around all day naming guitar players who put a hundred notes together that moved us, but how many have put two together that moved us? George knew what he was doing, man.

Also partial to Beck. I agree, screw the Zep. I can listen to some Zep (I loves me some riffage), but I've never drooled over a Page solo in my life, not like I've drooled over, say, a Duane Allman solo. Now there was a fucking guitar player, British or not.

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I love Trower.

I might get some guff for this, but I've always been a huge George Harrison fan in the guitar playing realm. I mean, I admit that love the wank, sometimes a little too much. But we could sit around all day naming guitar players who put a hundred notes together that moved us, but how many have put two together that moved us? George knew what he was doing, man.

Anyone who criticises you for liking George Harrison will be summarily shot, and then flayed alive.

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