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classic rock radio kills music.


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I agree most corporate stations are tough to stand.

Being in listening range to Detroit and Cleveland stations to a lesser extent, there are always a bundle of stations to cruise thorugh. I can ALWAYS find something good on the radio in Chatham.

That said, I rarely stray from my favourite station, and imo the best radio station in the world... Detroit public radio WDET 101.9. THe best music mix I've ever herad on radio. In depth news every afternoon (NPR) Jazz 7 - 10. They used to have bluegrass saturday afternoons. Mountain stage Sat evenings... don't know if they still have that.

you can stream/ check out play lists here:


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Oh, this is a great thread! I was just bitching at someone yesterday about this.

I agree -- CHEEZ 106 was a great station before they went "classic rock". They had everything: good music that ventured off the standard playlist, great community-oriented news coverage, cool shows (remember The Source, or the jazz and blues shows?) Hell, they even played The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy from time to time.

But, if you want to get a good idea of how narrow the playlists are on the rock stations here in Ottawa, it has happened more than once that I would be rolling up and down the dial and "The Bear" (marginally cooler, or less uncool, than CHEEZ) and CHEEZ were playing the SAME DAMN SONG AT THE SAME DAMN TIME. }:(}:(}:(

This, sadly is why when the Stones came to Ottawa, I couldn't give a rat's ass -- "classic rock" stations had pretty well killed them for me. :(}:(:(}:( I survived Coventry and I hope to go to Bonnaroo next year, and the money spent is way more worth it.

The truth is, I like to go back and listen to something I grew up with from time to time. But a constant diet of what was, what shoulda been, and what coulda been...? That's just not healthy, man. Art -- or, at least good culture -- isn't about always looking back or living in a hamster wheel. Sure, we each need our respective security blanket -- but are you going to really bring it on your honeymoon?

To that end, that's why I no longer listen to the "classic rock" format -- and commercial radio in general. Ottawa has awesome university radio stations and of course there's the CBC (don't even get me started on that -- there's been nothing worse than following the hurricanes on CFRA, I just -- oh, sorry, I wasn't going to get started on that).

Proof positive that if anything, the Canadian airwaves need to be opened up to more community-oriented public radio. You know, something that isn't primarily concerned with selling us stuff.

End of rant. Thanks, djed and everyone else.

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What is it though that makes us hate popular music radio? For me, it's that the commercials are louder than the music. Soundman ears. And as for current formatted popular music products, is it me or, is every fu**ing drummer now bashing the livin sh*t out of his cymbals? Seems like someone in the production chain lost all the hi-mid range of their hearing, so they boost it to the front of the mix. Really hard on my nerves. }:(

CBC Radio, and Coast to CoastAM with George Norry. Radio that entertains me, educates me, and forces me to think about things. As soon as they started abusing radio to push products, it just never stopped. And it's getting worse. I'm glad there are alternatives.

some very good replys ,but how would you like to have tinny tim in your head for 35 years tipping through those tulips?

and colored ones at that

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