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New Apple releases


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wow. Apple gave a severe upgrade to the iMac. I had ordered one a couple of weeeks ago, but it got cancelled because of screwy shipping info in my order. So, I was pretty lucky. Now I'll get it for $200 cheaper and it'll include all of the new features and upgrades.

Next, they are releasign a brand new iPod with a larger screeen and video capabillities. Apparantly the current gen iPod may have the video capabilities built in, but locked so hopefully I'll still be able to try out that functionality.

They're going to be publishing tv episodes for about $2 for shows like LOST and Desperate Housewives so hopefully this may be the next trend for everything from the Office, Rescue Me, Sopranos...whatever! Obviously you can watch them on your pc as well so we'll see how that works out.

That iMac thing is killing me though. I'd be so pissed if it had come in the mail and I saw today's announcement.

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That iMac thing is killing me though. I'd be so pissed if it had come in the mail and I saw today's announcement.

My G4 went down $800 from the time I ordered it to the time I received it. Apparently there was "nothing" they* could do. :mad:

*"They" being a now defunct Apple dealer here in Barrie. I guess they got what was comin' to them. *evil cackle*

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I thought you were talking about this :grin:

McIntosh apples out in N.S., Honeycrisp in

ast Updated Wed, 12 Oct 2005 15:20:06 EDT

CBC News

Farmers in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley are planning to scale back on a traditional Canadian apple in exchange for a newer, more lucrative American variety.

Waldo Walsh, president of the Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association, says old varieties like the McIntosh have fallen out of favour. The McIntosh apples, first developed in Ontario from a single tree in the early 1800s, are often sold at cost.

Walsh and other producers in the province say they'll rip out 10 per cent of their orchards and replace them with a variety called Honeycrisp, which Walsh says could earn four times as much as the McIntosh.

The Honeycrisp is a cross between a Macoun and a Honeygold. It was developed at the University of Minnesota and grows well in colder climates. The university's Horticultural Science department describes the apple as "explosively crisp."

Nova Scotia growers have been shipping Honeycrisp into the U.S. for years.

"The reports we're getting back from the people we're dealing with down there is that ours are superior compared with the other ones they can buy on the market," said Walsh.

Walsh says the replanting operation will take five years, at a cost of around $5 million. He hopes the province will kick in about one-quarter of the money

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i want an iMac too. I've been aching to record and sequence again.

i'd go for a regular computer but they take up soooooo much space. it's either an iMac or a mac mini with a flat screen and maxed out ram.

I'm just looking at getting an MBox, a few mics, and a controller keyboard (or an old synth with midi) and eventually a mixer and this and that (upgrading...)

i only have a little room and need to maximize space.

Good for you though. way to get a rad computer.

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Here's my only issue with the mac mini. there's only one firewire port. If i get a mac mini that means I'm really only going to be able to get a USB audio card unless I get an external hard drive with a 'thru' or the upgrade I eventually get (a digi002?) as a thru or both can be routed through a firewire hub. 400 megs a second is a lot of data but would it mess up audio??

that's thinking down the line and I suppose it's a bit too critical. only 2" tall...

it's like a stack of CDs on your desk...get a flat screen and I'm set.

now...it comes with garageband which is good for recording a la protools LE/light but I'd still need an audio interface, so considering my options I'd be looking at MBox.

the only thing i'd want extra would be multiple screens. one for the mix window, one for edit, another for plugins andanother for the sequencer...and i hear that reason is a plugin on protools now so 4 screens is a bit much.

but it's a goal.

are there external video cards??

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