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A Crappy Day Turned Perfect!


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Stupid day at work, stupid rain, stupid shoes....

and then I came home.

Talked to Booche

Talked to MsHux

Talked to Sunshine

Talked to HeadyMamaMyrna

Talked to DaveyBoy

Talked to my brother

Talked to Mommy

And now I'm going through pics of my friend's baby girl...(her pics below)

what a wonderful way to turn a crappy day into an absolute perfect day!

Introducing Baby Brooke (6 mos)


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Guest Low Roller

Crappy days sure do suck.

If it makes you feel any better I had a crappy day as well yesterday, so I feel your pain.

Yes, somehow talking to the people that are important in your life quickly dissipates the unimportant people in your life that bring you misery.

Hang in there Dougie!


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