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Stronach aims Viagra remark at Harper


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Stronach aims Viagra remark at Harper

Last Updated Thu, 10 Nov 2005 07:42:19 EST

CBC News

Human Resources Minister Belinda Stronach, who defected from the federal Conservatives to join Paul Martin's cabinet last spring, made a bawdy remark about her former leader in a segment taped for this week's edition of This Hour Has 22 Minutes.

Stronach was accosted Wednesday during a visit to Nova Scotia by comedian Cathy Jones, a star of the satiric television show that airs on CBC.

Jones asked Stronach how she felt about her public image in the wake of her political flipflop, which helped Martin's minority Liberals survive a bid by Conservative Leader Stephen Harper to force an election.

"You're a House of Commons wrecker being seduced by an older man who then, you find out, can't even get his polls up," Jones told Stronach, adding, "It's not the size of his caucus; it's what he does with it."

Stronach, a former Conservative leadership candidate who often disagreed with Harper over the direction of the party, took the ribbing in stride and did some of her own.

[color:red]"You know, I recommended to Stephen once that to rise in his polls he should take a little Viagra," she told Jones. "But the pill got stuck in his throat and all he got was a stiff neck."

The segment will be broadcast in full on This Hour Has 22 Minutes Friday night at 8:30 p.m. ET.

The tongue-in-cheek show often pokes fun at Canadian politics.

Most famously, it launched an online petition demanding that former Canadian Alliance leader Stockwell Day change his first name to Doris. At least 600,000 Canadians signed it.

Recently, the show taped a segment showing maverick Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish first kissing, then stomping on a George W. Bush action figure. She had often criticized the U.S. president.

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