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tell someone to go fuÇk themselves thread.


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i cant believe that this is what this board is becoming. I think people forget (and i know this certain thread is sorta a joke) that there a real people behind the avatars and user names WITH FEELINGS. I use to post alot on this board and now i find myself lurking more and more each day. I dont really know what happened around here lately with all this post deleted thing, i must of missed something. I used to come to this board with a sense of involvement (if that makes any sense) and feel part of beautiful community that cared about eachother and others. Now it just seems to be a game of how bad someone can bash the other to see how far they can take it. I dont blame half the people for quitting this board because it is getting a little ridculous at times. Its kinda sad to see such a good thing go through such a rough period. I feel sorry for admin.'s because i know this is not there intention but i guess this is what happens when things start getting to big.

Sorry about my rant, but just how i feel.


Hey Jay, go fuck yourself with a big bag of over sensitivity.

Fuckin' cockroach, you just replaced Tooly at the top of my shit list.

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