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Hey Kelly Anne...I miss you 'round these parts

Calamity Jane

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maybe if the gator posted on here once and a while you would have gotten your gift by now' date=' santa doesn't like quitters.[/quote']

Oh he still posts on here daily. he's one of those people who are being tricky with a different name.

So I've got a NUMBER of you figgered. Even Cody Banks and GWD figgered. Who I miss and can't fathom for the life 'o me is Kelly Anne.... I MISS ya, gal. Where you been? What you been up to?

how's that 'celibacy/not touching yerself' thing working out? If you're still on that kick, you're a far, far bigger and better woman than I!!!!

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Sorry for not writing in a while. I volunteered myself and the drummer for Pontiac Grand Prix Smash-Up for the Conservative candidate for Renfrew--Nipissing--Pembroke Cheryl Gallant. Her message of hope resonated within me. For two long the average jambammer has been kept down by the liberal party.

It was a great six weeks. I got to meet a ton of cool seniors and finally understood their concern about gay marriage and how it leads to communism. I enjoyed drinking with hunters as they gallantly fought against corrupt and immoral hunting laws. Every man, woman and child should be allowed to pocess a fire arm. With our high immigrant population, we need all the protection we can get.

I now also realise that dope is a gateway drug that leads to terrorism and wearing freaky colour dress shirts. And more importantly I realise that my body was put on this earth, not to be a vessel of whoring, but a vessel of child birth.

And I finally understand a women's place in society, and it's not on her knees. It's at the side of a good white male wearing a baseball hat.

I'm now working on getting Cheryll Gallant on a postage stamp. She's truely a femminist role model.

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