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New Author Website Online


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The following is from an author named Jon Papernick. His work is excellent, and he has a new website now online, in case anyone wants to check some of it out:

Thanks to the brilliant work of Michael Borum of Etherweave, my web site is

now online. Please click http://www.jonpapernick.com to see new fiction and

essays, photographs from Israel, recommended reading, and even a flash video

game. Copies of The Ascent of Eli Israel are available for purchase through

the web site.

Please make sure your computer's volume is turned on so you do not miss the

hypnotic audio introduction and flash movie.

If you know anyone who may be interested in this site, please forward this

message along.

All the very best,

Jon Papernick

http://www.jonpapernick.com is now online.

His book The Ascent of Eli Israel, is among my favourites.

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Wow, talk about compelling blurbs -

"There is a muscular certainty to the best of Papernick's stories that is altogether harrowing. They offer concise, explosive portraits of brittle tempers, the furies of citizens whose sentiments have been perverted in the pressure cooker of one of the world's most dangerously impassioned regions. . . Papernick's penetrating, clear-sighted stories ring true and yet they bring utterly no consolation. But who ever said that understanding would?"

— The New York Times Book Review

Ok, now on order courtesy of the Ottawa Public Library system... (I suppose in fairness to the theme, I ought first to finally finish Skinny Legs and All).

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Hey! Nice Blurb, Evil.

Very accurate.

To me, the most characteristic aspect to his stories is that they almost always just ... end. I mean, there's no ending. You're left wanting one. Brilliant.

(My girlfriend/fiancee, Lassie, actually hates that about his writing. I'm sure Papernick would be proud to hear it.)

Seriously. Read one of this guy's stories; at least from his website. (Then, go buy his book! ;) )

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