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Grinds My Gears


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You know what really grinds my gears? Having pot but not an outlet you want to use. I am the kind of guy that gauges his intake, typically my bong. I put in the amount that I want to get me off. When I am around people and want to socialize, it's best I don't smoke dope because I get completely lost in the conversations, so Precious suppresses my appetite. I always end up smoking more than I want if friends are sharing. If my nose is being utilized, well, there isn’t an issue. Psychedelics wont be done unless I am outside, but don’t expect me to say a word. Joints suck, its plain and simple. I broke the piece of my bong that holds the weed and I am sitting on stupid papers and lettuce. Am I smoking? Of course I am. Is it enjoyable? Hell no, it’s joints but I am high. The irony is that I broke my piece while I was cleaning it. Stoned. Immaculate.

And that is what really grinds my gears.

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Guest Low Roller

What grinds my gears is that you should of told me that you broke it BEFORE I went to Amsterdam where a replacement was in ample supply, rather than after. Beer bottles are not very maleable you know?

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Guest Low Roller

Don't get me wrong, I feel horrible that your Precious needs a pipe transplant... I was looking at soooo many bongs when I was in Amsterdam making sure to point out to Andrea which ones looked like yours.

If only I knew.

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you know what really grinds my gears? i made reso's at a nice restaurant in burlington for valentines day, i was pumped because i actually got them, thought it would be too busy, so anyways, we get there, right on time, get seated, and the waiter brings out this flimsyass 2page "sweetheart valentines menu" for a 4 course meal. we were looking it over, my woman cant eat mostly anything off it because she doesnt do dairy. the waiter comes back, i ask for the regular menu which ROCKS, buddy says theyre not doing regular menu, only this stupid 4course sweetheart meal, which is 50$ each, plus tax plus drinks. FACK! so we had to leave, man i really wish the clod who booked my reso told me that that was the dealio and we couldve saved an hour of our night. dammit.

and that folks, is what grinds my gears.

sorry to hear about your loss booche, i feel your pain, i just broke my favourite piece a few weeks ago.

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yeah i made it well known to the waiter that i wasnt informed. he said "well i told everyone that I talked to on the phone, its out of my hands"

stupid prick. yeah thats a good idea for the website review, thanks brother!

man i was excited, they have an awesome menu at mediterraneo, i was really looking foward to trying out some new dishes too since they recently overhauled the menu + kitchen staff.


thankfully pepperjacks did not dissappoint

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I was looking at soooo many bongs when I was in Amsterdam making sure to point out to Andrea which ones looked like yours.

Having never seen Booche's bong, could someone post a picture of it or one like it? Also, if it's just the bowl that's broken, a replacement should be pretty easy to get, shouldn't it? (Or is the bowl part of the rest of the bong?)



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You know what really grinds my gears? When you wake up or should i say...drag yourself out of bed...at 7am. Eat breakfast, get yourself ready for public showing, wait outside in the winter cold, catch the bus, wait outside in the winter cold again for your second bus,catch the bus, walk half way through your college campus, go to your classroom for your 8am class and a nice,little,cute peice of paper is taped on the door reading: CLASS TODAY IS CANCELLED....and it was your only class of the day;and that is what really grinds my gears.

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