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Nero at the Scherzo last night


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Set 1


Miko Mard

Sunspine (new song, did I get the title right)


Darius (WOW!)


Whispy Mountain Wonder>

401 Theme>


Run Like Hell>


Peaches en Regailia>





Ok, there was a stop somewhere in the second set, I just cant figure it out yet. After Peaches? After 401? After Whispy?I dont know, but I was agoin and a given'er........FANTASTIC stuff last night. Maybe one of the boys can help me, cause I am confused.

Great turnout, and the smallest online crowd I have seen at a gig in a loooooooong time. I think I counted 6 of us, but there must have been over a hundred through the door, throughout the night.

It was a night of Newbies, which was really cool to witness. Nero gained a number of new fans, and a few of them asked me questions (you have heard them, "Do these guys ever sing? Really? Wild."). Look at the setlist, a bunch of new songs, and a bunch of new fans. There is something about that Scherzo, and makes me want to move back to Kingston.

As for the music itself, it was top-notch entertainment. I dont know how they can play so solid, and always keep me impressed. I so wish it was taped, I want every Scherzo show they have done, and this was another part of that puzzle. The Darius FLOORED me last night, and contained some tight space. The new song made me think of Eric Johnson meets Radiohead. Sorry for the weak analogy, but I dont know how else to explain it. For those in Ottawa, request it tonight, and tell me if you can hear that as well, especially the beginning section.

By the second set, I was outa my head. Centrognome is one of my favorite songs, and last nights was certainly well performed. I am really getting into Zedonk, and nothing beats a Lemondust encore.

Except maybe Tube [Wink]

I took a bunch of pics, and some quick video, so I will send them to Mike, and hopefully he will post them for all to see. I didnt get a ton of good pics, there were a couple of fer sure's, but I think the video is going to be great.

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Last night was the first night that I really paid good attention to Nero. I've seen them a bunch at the Front etc., but they blew me away last night. That guitar is hot. And the emotion that they put into it can't be beat.

I'd like to hear them try and play a couple tunes where the guitar sings, a la the intramental stella or something, in place of vocals.

All in all it was smoking, I don't usually dig "lyrically challenged" music, but I'll be sure to see them everytime they play near me from now on...

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Hey MoMack,

Can you email me?


I would like to discuss a trade. I notice you have Ratdog from the DTE 07-17-01

We saw that show, but I dont have their set. It was fine, from what I remember. I may need the PLQ show too, I dont know if I know where I put it, I may have given it away, thinking I would get it again.



Did we meet last night? I was the only one taking pics, from what I noticed anyways. Did you notice the 'older' lady dancing? That was my mom, Myrna. She loves Nero.........(I think she may have a thingy for Jay [Wink] )

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as a haiku would not do justice to that show, i've opted, instead, for a limerick:

there once was a man from nantucket...

oh wait a sec, i think that one has been done before...

there once was a band at the scherzo

knocked me on my ass from the word "go"

i do love the punk

and dave's got the junk

but the monkey is my ultimate hero [Razz]

man that was a blast... so nasty and sweet all at the same time...tighter than tight

i still haven't figured out all off the song titles, but based on boochie's napkin scribbling's, Darius nearly made me go buddhist or something...

anyway, wicked turn out and i'm sure a boat load of new fans...lovin' the nero!

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