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random facts...a lot of them


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My favorite fact...pogonophobia is a fear of beards...

:). That must be what our youngest daughter must have - she asked me this morning to shave it off (tempting - it's been not a few years since I've seen myself without one).

Thanks - there are some keepers here. I love trivia lists, even when some of them are (to quote Douglas Adams) apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate (I've been inculcated with the habit of treating anything without a source as if it's wrong). I do believe this one is right, though -

Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer (more commonly known as Satan) are the only 3 angels to be named in the Bible.

One of my favourite bits of trivia that I like to toss out to give fundamentalists pause is that there is no reference to the Antichrist anywhere in the New Testament (there's further qualification that should follow this, but I usually just leave it at that).

(But in the interest of consistency: "antichrist" on wikipedia [note the problem with vandalism for that page!], and Robert Fuller's Naming the Antichrist. The History of an American Obsession [though the review goofs up it with its very first word].)

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