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Champ.League Big day tommorow


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It's all wide open by the looks of things. I'd love to see Bremen beat Juve again but I doubt it. Rangers 2 Villareal 1, only cuz I bleed blue. Chelsea is done, beating Barce at the Nou Camp is next to impossible.


Villarreal - Rangers agg 2-2

Juventus - Werder Bremen agg 2-3

Barcelona - Chelsea agg 2-1


Lyon - PSV agg 1-0

AC Milan - Bayern Munich agg 1-1

Arsenal - Real Madrid agg 1-0

Liverpool - Benfica agg 0-1

Tuesday, March 14

Internazionale - Ajax agg 2-2

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When hordes of Chelsea fans descend on Barcelona for tomorrow's Champions' league head-to-head, they will get a surprise.

Glugging bottles of beer in the streets - a popular ritual no matter who wins - is now a civil offence punishable with fines of between €30 and €1,500 - depending on whether broken glass or boisterous mobs are involved.

Fans can also be given similar penalties for hooting and hollering during the small hours or turning the nearest doorway into a makeshift loo under the city's new anti-lout laws, which took effect about a month ago.

"The Chelsea game will be an important test of how the new regulations function," said Assumpta Escarp, the official who drafted the 60-page ordinance to curb Barcelona's party-town image.

She said extra police would be on hand for the occasion to deter hooligan violence.

Municipal officers will escort those violating the ordinance to special offices for on-the-spot payments, Ms Escarp said. And if there is no immediate cash available to pay, police will gladly send the paperwork to hotels or foreign consulates.

The crackdown is aimed at behaviour that irks residents - from street-corner betting and unlicensed peddling to washing laundry in fountains and riding skateboards over sidewalk benches. Since it went into effect, police have warned or ticketed 1,398 people, nearly half of them from the city, according to a government report.

But some of the most common transgressions, such as drinking in the street, are often perpetrated by the thousands of Britons who flock to Barcelona for stag parties or football matches like the one scheduled for Tuesday.

José Mena, a 29-year-old hotel clerk in the Gothic quarter, is bracing himself for the onslaught. He considers the anti-nuisance laws "totally excessive," but he said he hopes they help tone down the behaviour of British fans. "They come off the plane already drunk," he told the Guardian. "It's shameful to have to say to a man the age of my father: 'Sir, please don't lower your trousers.'"

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Rangers could face punishment from UEFA after Villarreal's team bus came under attack on its way to Tuesday night's Champions League tie.

UEFA are awaiting a report from their match observer on the pre-match incident, which saw a window of the bus shattered by a missile. Alex McLeish's side went out of the competition on the away-goals rule with their heads high, but the club may face action if it can be proved their supporters were behind the attack. Spanish police clashed with supporters outside Villarreal's stadium, El Madrigal, and UEFA look set to launch an investigation.

A spokesperson told PA Sport: "Once we receive a report from the UEFA delegate then we look into what exactly went on. We expect that to arrive two days after the game but if these incidents did occur then action is likely to happen."

The spokesperson added: "I don't really want to say too much at this time but we are certain to act on the UEFA delegate's report."

Villarreal could also be in hot water, with Rangers safety chief Lawrence McIntyre security for the game in Spain as among the worst he had seen.

An estimated 15,000 Rangers fans travelled to Spain for the second leg of the last-16 tie, even though the official allocation for travelling supporters was just 3,000.

Thousands more managed to obtain tickets for home sections of the ground, despite appeals from McIntyre ahead of the game for those without tickets to stay away.

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goes to show you dont ever know,

watch each card you play,

please playem slow.

Holy Fuck...between Rangers and Werder I almost had a heart attack. I can't believe that Bremen goalkeeper lost control of the ball like that and lost it with just 2 minutes from time. Rangers have no excuse. I know they are my boys but they have been shite for 2 or 3 years now. When Ek goes they need to rebuild.

Today is going to be an edge of the seat day too.

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Anfield will be a madhouse, Liverpool 2-0. Hyypia and Riise are both out. Benfica just dont have the class they used to have. Ive decided I'm ok with Barce winning it all now that Bremen is out. Really wanted to see them surprise everyone again this year. I'm going to watch Milan and Bayern on TLN. As a neutral this better be a good game. 1-1 Agg so anything can happen but to see Oliver Khan's face when Schevchenko scores that first goal will be priceless.

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Arsehole better not get to excited, they got real lucky. I can't believe Real couldn't score, their defence was non existant. The effort was there and it was a great game to watch, there was just no finishing. Bayern and Ac Milan was boring as shit. I fell asleep right as Liverpool started so I only saw the highlights thi morning and that wasnt all that much. Tuesday's games were way more openly played and done so with more passion. I guess when you are playing for pride and not a big paycheck it still means something.

Ajax and Inter still have to play next Tuesday.

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didn't think this deserved its own thread but it still needs to be mentioned (from Football365.co.uk):

'Chelsea soccer star John Terry turned the air blue when he ranted at kids who phoned his mobile - after he gave the number to a teenage girl.

'Terry, 25, slipped it to surprised Charlotte Stacey while signing autographs at a promotional event and the pair exchanged texts.

'But Charlotte, 17, could not resist showing off the number to her schoolfriends. England defender Terry - expecting twins with fiancée Toni Poole, 24 - went berserk when he was pestered by her pals.

'He unleashed a four-letter tirade at a boy who phoned him to take the mickey.

'Other youngsters listening on a speaker phone in the sixth-form common room giggled as the star shouted: "Let's f***ing meet up then and I'll f***ing bang you out, you little mug. You little ***** ****."

'The boy said: "Little? I'm bigger than you, you ****. I'll come and fight you."'

Having got over the initial giggle of reading 'Terry, 25, slipped it to surprised Charlotte', [football365's] Mediawatch would like to know - what the **** does '***** ****' mean?

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  • 2 weeks later...

packed schedule tomorrow

Tue Mar 28 01:30PM Eastern

Tue Mar 28 02:30PM Atlantic

Tue Mar 28 03:00PM Newfoundland

Length: 2 hr 15 min LIVE

TSN - The Sports Network - Canada

UEFA Champions League - Quarterfinal - 1st Leg

Arsenal (England) vs Juventus (Italy)

Tue Mar 28 03:45PM Eastern

Tue Mar 28 04:45PM Atlantic

Tue Mar 28 05:15PM Newfoundland

Length: 2 hr 15 min SDD

TSN - The Sports Network - Canada

UEFA Champions League - Quarterfinal - 1st Leg

Benfica (Portugal) vs Barcelona (Spain)

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Finally David Trezeguet can show Theiry Henry how its done. Juve 3- Arsehole 1

I dont think Benfica can match up to Barce. They might be able to hold them off for a little while but one of these games will be a blow out.

Wednesday looks good too

Lyon-Ac Milan should be a good game. Lyon is the overlooked team in this draw. Bye Bye Villareal, you're no match for Inter

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He is the one of the most saught after managers right now. I really dont know about a man that turns down Real Madrid for Rangers though. I know they are my boys but lets get real here. I read about a couple of players wanting him to bring them in this summer. I'll post it when I find it again. I think it was on F365 somewhere. Good news for us though, if we can get David Murray to spend some $$$$

I think there are 4-5 players on the outs so lots of free cash there but they are players we cant afford to lose. Petr Loverkrands is the biggest name.

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1-0 Arsenal at 45, beautiful goal too. Pires won the ball from Viera just inside Aresenal's half and pushed on to Fabregas who buried it with no mistake. Buffon was left standing on his heels.

2 goals from Trezeguet, 1 from Ibrahimovic, in the second will make me happy. Juve looks like shit right now though. I don't think they have even had a shot yet.

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i can't believe how the arse midfield steamrolled juve! Pires pickpocketing Viera must have been the most glorious moment of the season for gooners fans

and Eto'o!!! missing that chance from point blank, goalkeeper and defenders down all around him! i won't, however, mention how closely it mirrored Crouchy's chance on the same keeper from the same distance, both players trying a nutmeg to score...

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Juve is down 3 men to cards for the next leg. 3 big players. Could be interesting in Turin.

I don't think today's games will be played same. Hopefully Villareal can step their game up. If they come out like they did against Rangers they have no hope of even touching the ball. Lyon can give AC a game, it all depends on how the milanese come out to play and if they can shut Schevchenko out.

Milan or Milan?

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So, i'm at work wanting to go home and watch Lyon vs AC Milan. Then I remember that my office has cable (but no TV). Then I get a call that my shipment of DLP projectors has arrived. I found an old VCR that won't play tapes but can run the cable through and bam here is TSN getting ready for the match. Plug my pc speakers through the VCR head phones jack and the sound chimes in. Ready for a great afternoon at work.


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