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Phish tickets??

John Stamos

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Hi there, just wondering what is going on with everyone else's tickets?

I already received my "It" tickets from Phish, but Deer Creek is fast approcahing and no sight or sound of the tickets (and yes, both were ordered through PTBM).

Since PTBM has switched over to the new online method of ordering tickets I have consistently (3 out of 3 tries) had problems with tickets being lost in the mail or being very late. I heard from a friend that all tickets will ship the week following June 16th, but I didn't see that anywhere. Anyone see or hear this?

This leads me to question why we Canucks are being charged a mandatory UPS Int'l Priority shipping fee of $15 Yankee dollars when we are not getting our tickets on time.

This happening to anyone else or just me three times in a row now??


Your tickets will ship approximately 3 weeks before the first show date in your order. Please expect a follow-up email notifying you of the exact ship date of your order as well as your tracking number. If you have any problems or questions, please email phishtickets@rlc.net.

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Well John Stamos,

I had the pleasure of speaking with Music Today yesterday and they tracked my order... as i only ordered the 3 creek shows i was told my tickets are scheduled to be shipped on this coming Monday the 7th by 2 day ups air... they said call back if i dont have them on the 9th...

thats ok for me.. for those of you going on tour and need to leave i would suggest you speak to them and try to arrange an earlier shipping time... they are "mad shipping" as the girl said right now so who knows... im just thinkin Music Today should not have taken on such a large contract if they couldnt handle the volume... let alone they are doing mail order for mettalica at the same time... my 0.02 cents...

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Hey PassedoutGuy,

What is the number that you called for music today? I've emailed phish several times about my order and they haven't gotten back to me. I'd rather call and speak to someone. Basically, I ordered 2 IT tickets separately, on two diff credit cards under my name... got confirmation # for one and received it by UPS last week. Don't have a confirmation # for the other and haven't heard anything about it...but i've fully paid for both on my credit cards. I actually don't need one of those tix, what are the chances they'll just credit my CC for a refund??! I'd have no problems sucking up the service charges, prolly easier than for me to get rid of it for face!

gettin' worried bout those xtras!


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This whole fuck up was ticketbastards (TB) fault, some girl from that phone # (musictix or whatever) just told me that there is this whole barcode scanning issue, where TB and musictix basically split the tickets down the middle and each set has a bar code and TB never provided music tix with the codes they chose, delaying musictix's ticket delivery. Anyway I am recieving mine this Friday for the Gorge. YYYYYEEEEEEOOOOOWWWW 10 days and counting..........


ps, my buddy has extras for the gorge each night, surprise, surprise.

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