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Jay Funk Dawg

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Hey all ...

Hope you’re all doing well and smiling. I’m very excited about an upcoming retreat that is being organized by Natalie Robinson, happening May 5-7th in the Ottawa area.

It will be a fun-filled, hands-on and informative workshop weekend where we will learn all about making and using blodlesel. In addition, one goal for the weekend is to convert a school bus to run on veggie oil ... eco-mechanics are currently being consulted to make this happen.

Here’s all the details if you’re interested. It would be great to see you ... Laugh a little and learn some stuff too. Contact Natalie below for all the juicy details.

Hope to see you there



At the New Life Retreat, near Ottawa.

May 5-7, 2006

This will be a weekend of grounding our intentions, sharing our visions and celebrating the spring on a beautiful farm.

Local biodiesel experts will facilitate interactive learning.

Our accommodations are in and around a gorgeous old farmhouse.

Sahar Rahmani is our macrobiotic chef for the


Music and revelry are inevitabilities. Mini-workshops and presentations on a variety of

topics will be chosen and scheduled by participants once registration is finalized.

Costs for two days of workshops, accommodations and meals:

$100 for a bed*

$60 for a campsite*

*we got a special rate because we will be doing an

hour and a half of work trade on the farm each day!

to register or pose questions, write to Natalie:


she will send you the registration package which includes: weekend schedule,

feedback/ special needs form to be returned,

directions to the New Life Retreat, what to bring etc...

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Jay...thanks for posting....I would be so all over this IF I had more lead-in time. Alas, can't re-work the weekend in such a short time frame. (Dammit, I need to be all-powerfulful, not just a little powerful. How can I achieve Deity status by Friday?)

anyway, I hope it's successful enough that they run it again next summer! Anyone who goes, please post about it. Anyone in the same boat as me, who'd like to go next year...we should talk!

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