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Enron Execs Guilty


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Enron former chief executive Jeffrey Skilling and founder Kenneth Lay were found guilty Thursday of conspiracy and fraud in the granddaddy of all corporate fraud cases.

Skilling was found guilty on 19 counts of conspiracy, fraud, false statements and insider trading. He was found not guilty on eight counts of insider trading.

Lay was found guilty on all six counts of conspiracy and fraud. In a separate bench trial, Judge Sim Lake ruled Lay was guilty of four counts of fraud and false statements.

Both Lay and Skilling could face 20 to 30 years in prison, legal experts say.

They're scheduled for sentencing...the week of September 11...



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Happiest news I've received all day. Hope they both rot eternally in jail for the crap they pulled. Raiding pension trusts should require them to be sent to a maximum security jail and not the club fed they'll go to but at least justice was served in some limited sense.

On a side note, I always admired the evil genius of Ken Lay. He helped craft laws with the then Govenor of California, that would protect and sheild him from prosecution 10 YEARS LATER, in regard to the energy deregulation of California in the late 90's. Thats business forsight.

But in the end, fuck Ken Lay. He's a prick and an asshole to an incredible degree. May he rot in jail forever....

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I smell plastic surgery/substitute body/greased palms bid for freedom

if not, must've been nice spending his last few months in his multi million dollar Colorado country home as opposed to wherever most poor Americans wait for sentancing (ie. jail)

wouldn't be so bad if so much of his wealth wasn't made up of other people's pensions they'll never see (sorry for my general lack of sympathy)

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