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Looks like this conflict is in the headline a little bit more each day no?

[color:purple]Man this whole intervention is going great...good job!

Traffic Accident Leads to Anti-American Riots in Afghan Capital, 4 Killed

By Benjamin Sand


29 May 2006

An Afghan protester prepares to throw stones at an American military convoy in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, May 29, 2006

A fatal car accident in the Afghan capital involving a U.S. military convoy has sparked violent anti-American riots in the normally pro-western city. At least four people died.

Violent protests spread throughout the capital Monday. Witnesses say it is the worst civil unrest in Kabul since coalition forces ousted the Taleban in 2001.

The rioting started after an American military truck accidentally slammed into up to a dozen civilian vehicles Monday morning. U.S. officials say at least one person was killed and several others injured.

Within minutes, protests erupted near the wreckage. Hundreds of people began throwing rocks and debris at the U.S. soldiers.

As local police struggled to regain control of the area, shots were fired. Police confirm at least one person was killed by gunfire.

A number of witnesses say they saw U.S. soldiers open fire, while others claim local police were responsible for the casualties.

U.S. Military spokesman Colonel Thomas Collins says American troops only fired warning shots into the air, as the crowd tried to surround their vehicles.

"When the gathering became hostile, the coalition vehicles attempted to move out of the area to reduce tensions… There are indications that at least one coalition military vehicle fired warning shots over the crowd," Colonel Collins says

By mid-day, hundreds of protesters had taken to the streets in several locations around the capital. Automatic gunfire could be heard across the city.

Demonstrators marched through the streets, shouting abuse at the United States and the U.S.-backed president, Hamid Karzai. Some chanted "Death to America!" and "Death to Karzai."

Rioters ransacked a number of stores and reportedly attacked the offices of a western aid agency.

Afghan security forces and NATO peacekeepers, many of them in tanks, have been deployed throughout the city.

Cars were set on fire, and coalition helicopters flew overhead.

Afghan officials are appealing for calm.

The incident comes as Taleban insurgents maintain their latest offensive, targeting foreign and national forces around the country.

The unrest has prompted widespread concern that President Karzai's government could be losing popular support throughout Afghanistan.

Traffice Accident Casuse Anti-American protests.

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i wonder how much of this can be coughed up to lack of understanding... like between english and arab speaking peoples. you know when an english person is shouting "i'm sorry" and an arab person can't understand what they're saying and just sees that they are shouting and voila! chaos breaks out. i'm positive so much conflict breaks out just because people can't understand what one or the other are trying to convey. so sad.

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i wonder how much of this can be coughed up to lack of understanding... like between english and arab speaking peoples. you know when an english person is shouting "i'm sorry" and an arab person can't understand what they're saying and just sees that they are shouting and voila! chaos breaks out. i'm positive so much conflict breaks out just because people can't understand what one or the other are trying to convey. so sad.

They speak Dari, Farsi and Pashto in Afghanistan, among about 20 other languages. Uzbek is big in the north. Not too much Arabic being spoke there, mostly among the Tajiks.

Your point is right though, I think. The reaction I saw on the news last night was stupid. The locals were upset at the Americans, so they looted stores and burned police huts. Misdirected anger, very sad to see in Kabul.


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