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Monty Python Marathon


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Ottawa folks, plus any who would make the trek: we in Casa Calamity Mouse have been bouncing around the idea of running a Python session some weekend in the next while - we've got the whole BBC run on DVD, and apparently the whole thing, all seasons, runs more or less 24 hours. Anyone else whacked enough to give this a shot? Please PT, and if enough people are interested, we'll try squaring away a weekend.


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timouse, if you and niffermouse will make the trek, you get to call the weekend (and the spare room, taboot!)

how're those vaction plans shaping up???...you guys planning to get "All Good in Osgoode" on the front or back end of that trip....?

not sure about vacation plans yet...we may wind up heading to winnipeg to see my grandma, she's not doing very well lately and we may be running out of opportunities to visit :(

we will absolutely keep you guys posted, and if possible we can do a SoOn > winnipeg > mousegoode > SoOn run...

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