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Entry Level on Bay Street

Large Marge

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Hey Kids!

CyberHippie's recent posting frenzy just reminded me that some of you may unwittingly be unemployed. I work for an investment bank, and we are currently in the process of hiring an evening Creative Services operator. Basically it's glorified word processing and book production (the kind of stuff that goes on at Kinkos, but in a corporate setting). The hours are 4-12 Sun-Thurs and there is plenty of down time to surf/post or do homework, or whatever. Anyway, if you're interested, reply to this post and I'll check back and be in touch on Monday.


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where's this job at...and how much does it pay..I could use a new job with friday and saturday off...how do I apply....my email is burtneilson@hotmail.com....I already do something similar, but the hours are not consistant enough...is it too late to aply? Mike

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