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Ride needed for small Hammond organ - T Bay to TO! Bands?? Anyone??


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I rencently acquired a Hammond L-122 that's been chopped in half for portability. It's in Thunder Bay, and I'd like to get it back here to Toronto.

So I'm searching for a ride for it. It would most likely need to be in a van. Any bands out there interested... driving across the country?

I'll hook you up some how. Email me, jeffheisholt at hotmail.com, if you might be able to help and we can work things out.

Or would anyone know the cheapest way for me to get it here? It probably weighs between 125-175lbs.

Here's a shot of it. It's the top half, circled in blue. The dimensions are 16 x 24 x 43




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It's funny... it's actually the same Hammond I started with 13 years ago. It was sitting in a friend's parent's basement and they were gonna throw it out. I had traded it to him back 9 years ago for a Clavinet... and he called and asked if I wanted it back.

It's the same model Keith Emerson used to tour with.. lighter and smaller than a B3.

I'm reeeeaaallly itchin' to get it back here and hook it up to my Leslie.

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I have a friend that owns a moving/shipping company and they frequently do runs back and forth from Thunder Bay. I’ll give him a call and see what his schedule looks like and if he has a job up there I’m sure he’d be willing to bring it back with him. I'll give you a call if it looks like it's a go.

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Geez.. I still remember lifting that thing out of the Back of 'ersh's Dad's Truck! The one time that sticks in my mind is at the Orpheum unloading for a 97 BNB show (i think), and Bass Laser (jer) was in the truck grabbing the Hammond. He was attempting to move it forward so that I could grab it from the outside and slowly lift it down, first He hit his head off the Hammond, then off an amp, and then when he was trying to stand up he hit his head for the THIRD time of the roof of the truck! Classic Jer, back then he wasn't as fat and full of whiskey and beer..just lanky and ackward!(just kidding jer your not that fat!)...anyway flashback...that friggin thing usede to hurt my back...can't wait to have it around again!

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Yeah... but now it weighs half as much... I hope. I couldn't believe I was getting it back... it's like getting your first pet dog back from when you were a kid... sort of. Yeah... to hell with small gear - I'm back on the big back-breakin' enemy-makin' pain-killer-takin' heavy shit. I'm glad to see you're so into it Mike... you'll be number one on the helpin-me-carry-it list.

Thanks Briguy!!!! Any help is greatly appreciated. Hopefully talk to you soon.

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