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When pets die

Guest Low Roller

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very sorry about your losses Lw Roller and Meggo... better to have loved and lost than not at all as they say... much better... think many times people are even closer to pets than they are to people... so easy to understand their unconditional devotion

spent the last 16 hours of the life of my 22 year old buddy "Cat" 8 months ago sitting and laying on the floor with him... was a tiny stray kitten I took him in out of a snow storm and kept when I couldn't find its owners... he came and told me his time was neigh at the end there

have a nice blue candle in the garage where the cat lived that I light occasionally in honor of my good friend (just realized the candle is the same color as the collar Cat was wearing when we first met)

to all our good friends...

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Guest Low Roller

I'm ashamed that I don't have any good pictures of my cat. They all stayed in Ottawa to be collected by me one day...

Here's one I do have of her doing what she does best- sharpening her claws on furniture.


(She was a BIG cat)

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awwwww guys, I'm listening to Let Down by Burt while reading this for the first time and it's really sad.

My cat candy had to be put down last year. He was 21 and probably shouldn't have made it that long. My parents put him down while I was out for the day/night and I've never quite forgiven them for that since I wanted to be there to hold his paw. That cat brought me through lots of difficult times when I was young, always listened, etc.

I also had a dog, petey, that would growl and make like he was going to attack anyone that put a hand on my sister and I when we were young. One night a fox came in the yard and attacked him so he had to kill it. The fox had rabies so we had to put petey down. What a good dog he was and I was just old enough to know that being put to sleep meant not waking up.

I feel your losses to anyone losing or who has lost a pet and will toast, even if silently, all the lost pets and all the good feelings they brought. Cheers folks

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