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Happy Birthday America


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Hey Sho-ho'

You know what? I posted this from a non-biased posting position to gage what everyone's reaction would be. I figured someone would be hot off the handle with anti-American hostility and I can understand and appreciate that. They have a terrible administration and generally suck as a populace. But, you know what? So do we. I spent a lot of time living down yonder and there is a pretty well standardized ratio of douchbags to good people, as there is here. So get off your fuÇking high horse, realize you're in the same boat with a different name; hell, call it a tug-boat if you want a good analogy. Either way, get over it, then spank yourself for voting fuÇking Harper into office. Happy 4th dipshit.

somebody needs a perc.

really, i'm struggling to see how you make a comparison of bad administrations between our country and the US. like.. 'i'm stumped' is more like it. what the F has harper done that is remotely even comparable to the blatant violation of human rights and freedoms that bush is pulling off like a fourth of july picnic?!? since when is not showing up for an AIDS conference comparable to regime changes? sorry, but i'm really mind boggled.

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Hey Sho-ho'

You know what? I posted this from a non-biased posting position to gage what everyone's reaction would be. I figured someone would be hot off the handle with anti-American hostility

it was pretty obvious that this is what you were after. so' date=' you got what you wanted.

kinda fucked, isn't it?


"nothin's fucked here dude." -Walter Sochek

I posted it to wish everyone a happy 4th, take it or leave it. I just figured someone, for no reason, might get a rise out of it. So, I guess, I called, may not have gotten what I wanted; per say. And yeah, it's kind of fucked.


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Hooiee! Haven't seen a good board brawl in a while!

All of this is, of course, moot; Canada has only half the population of California, and a sliver of its economy.

Having watched The Death of Suburbia this week, I'm reminded that we're all a bunch of spoiled squibs. India and China will eat us all alive whenever they get to feeling like it.

touche, I've been meaning to watch that movie.

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I've been meaning to watch that movie.

It's pretty damn depressing. It's all about the oil (explaining in the simplest terms how the war in Iraq is really about fighting to secure what's left of the table scraps). Not only do they make the point that we won't even have the energy resources to convert and maintain what we have (e.g. cars) towards sustainable energies (it takes a virtually impossible amount of energy just to produce hydrogen, for example, build solar cells, and so on), but that agriculture on its present scale is equally dependent on petrochemicals. The one further thing they neglected to mention is where we're going to get our plastic from. I'm doing a quick inventory of all the stuff in this room I'm sitting in right now that's made of plastic (the keyboard I'm clacking away on, e.g.), which is kind of unsettling in itself.

Someone in the film does suggest how willing suburban voters are going to be in the near future to send their children to war to protect the suburban lifestyle. This helps, I find, to put a lot into perspective.

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