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Castro hands power over to younger brother...


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With this in the news i've got many questions...after visiting Cuba, and with Bush talking about forcing a democracy...blah, blah, blah....

My main question,

Why is Che Guevara such an icon, and Fidel is not?

I understand somewhat where they both come from in history the Revolution and the 26th of July, but I don't understand why people idolize him so much...

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Mabe they want to go Back.... I donno...My parents have gone there a few times and made friends wtih some locals and from what i have herd is that his brother is Worse.. I donno I don't think they had it all that bad they let on That it is So that tourist bring them Shoes, and cloths and what not. ill have to ask my mom to send her friend a letter.

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True...that's why I don't understand why all the Cuban-Americans are celebrating...

Why do you think they "moved" to the States in the first place? No one packs up their family and boards a make-shift raft bound for Florida if the home situation is good. One Cuban ex-pat author living in Toronto said Cuban citizens are people without even the most basic of civil rights. You speak out against the government, and you go to jail.

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I watched, The Nature Of Things, this past Sunday. Quite an intriguing episode about the sustainable agricultural industry that the country of Cuba practices and maintains. Quite possibly the most efficient in the world today. Despite all of the hardships that the country and it's citizens have been through and continue to deal with they have managed to take a stronghold on an asset for human survival, food. As long as that continues to be the main focus of the people and the government (Castro or Son) then this country has a bright future compared to hundreds of others, including Canada.

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